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One queen to rule them all
One queen to rule them all owns this human at 10000 points.

Rhiannon Rainsforth
Rhiannon Rainsforth
"דר הו"

Rhiannon Rainsforth, 37/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:22 PM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
Location: Chester United Kingdom

"Don't try to understand me, just love me."
About me:

I'm rather shy, quite studious, probably pretty conservative, and usually somewhat attractive in a sort of clean, tradtional, classic "girl next door" way. Sometimes, my quietness or straight face may be misinterpreted as indifference or the "get away from me" look, but once you get to know me, I'm actually quite nice and a decent friend. I don't smoke - not because I'm a "goody two-shoes", but because I genuinely have no desire to. I get along with most people, have a decent social circle, but hold just a few close friends. I may need a little push to get involved in activities. I'm a reliable friend and a hard worker but enjoy having fun too.

I'm a girl that loves her football and I'm a commited Manchester United fan.

I'm absolutely obsessed with Doctor Who and David Tennant. I want to marry that gorgeous man, lol!

I'm a BIG Star Wars/Indiana Jones geek :P

I love Disney to death.....yes I still cry everytime I watch The Lion King....I just can't help it.

I love playing Guitar Hero.

If you ever go bowling with me you have to be careful because the ball won't be going down the alley.....

If you give me chocolate you'll make me a very happy bunny :D
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: I <3 Kitty's, Manchester United, Doctor Whoniverse, Disney Nerds!
Rhiannon's tales
Rhiannon Rainsforth
Right here we go...prepare yourselves!

I saw Hamlet on 6th November and it was absolutely AMAZING! Definately the best play I have ever seen in my life (ok yes I'm very biased because it had David as the lead role and the legend that is Patrick Stewart) but this is me a former GCSE and A Level Drama and Theatre Studies student. I've seen plenty of plays but none can top Hamlet.

I too was lucky enough to sit on the front row and therefore had a great view of everything (including David's lovely bum, long neck, chest hair, great ruffled hair, cute bare feet, his abdominal area with his appendix scar and finally just the slightest showing of his black underpants lol!) At one point he slid across the stage and I thought he was going to fall onto my lap! I must admit that I was very shy at first about looking at David incase I reacted in an embarrasing way such a letting out a squeal that anyone sitting near me would hear. He is just as gorgeous in the flesh aswell as on TV. I still can't believe I was so close to him.

There were times when David said or did something that reminded me of the Doctor and it always made me grin like a loony :P I especially liked it when David was tied up in the wheely chair and went "wheeeeeeee". David's comic timing was spot on :)

I jumped twice when Hamlet shoots the mirror and kills Polonious, I wasn't the only one lol.

Something happened that wasn't supposed to but was very funny. David threw the recorder to Peter De Jersey but Peter didn't catch it and it landed on the edge of a step and the recorder broke in two and started to roll away nearly falling off the stage. Thankfully Peter managed to chase the pieces and at this point the audience started to laugh as we all new that wasn't meant to happen. David and Peter were caught having a little giggle to themselves about it and when Peter managed to fix the recorder David gave him a thumbs up haha.

All the other members of the cast were brilliant too but I have to say I was astounded by Mariah Gale's Ophelia, she was heartbreakingly beautiful.

I had a bit of a dilemma during the play as the stage smoke had made me start off into a coughing fit, I tried not to cough but I couldn't help it. My eyes started running too and I really thought I'd have to go out and get some water but fortunately it had gone away.

Unfortunately even though I was able to get to the stage door in time, David and the rest of the cast didn't come out therefore I didn't get my programme signed :( Anyway after about half an hour hanging around the theatre, my mum and I were walking back to our b & b and were just about to go past the Thistle Hotel until a bald headed man walked out and turned into Chapel Lane. My mum looked at me and I looked back at her and I said "that's not just any bald headed man, that's Patrick Stewart!" Even if he was willing to sign my programme I wasn't going to disturb him as he was obviously making his way to his car to go back home. We waited for a few minutes and he drove past us in his Aston Martin :D

The next day my mum I went back to the Courtyard Theatre to buy some things from the shop. When we were finished we walked back down the road and walked past Mariah Gale!

Anyway I think I've waffled on too long now but I've given as much detail as possible! Enjoy!

Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth
Rhiannon Rainsforth "דר הו" Lonely - 16 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
Rhiannon Rainsforth
'David Tennant will always be MY Doctor'

A group for fans of Doctor Who and David Tennant who agree that the 10th Doctor will always be their Doctor forever no matter who takes over the role from now on. Here fans are free to talk and discuss about David Tennant's time as the 10th Doctor over the 3 series he played the time travelling Time Lord. Also, fans are free to post and share photos and videos of our lovely David :D

Please invite all your friends and people who you know would want to be a member of this group :)
Rhiannon Rainsforth
Rhiannon Rainsforth "דר הו" Lonely - 16 years, 4 months, 26 days ago
Rhiannon Rainsforth
As most of us will know by now David Tennant has announced he's leaving Doctor Who after the specials in 2009 :( We all knew he had to go one day but it's so sad because he is an AMAZING Doctor. He is MY Doctor and I will never ever forget him.

Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth
Rhiannon Rainsforth "דר הו" Lonely - 16 years, 4 months, 26 days ago
Rhiannon Rainsforth

Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth
Rhiannon Rainsforth "דר הו" Lonely - 16 years, 10 months, 10 days ago
Rhiannon Rainsforth
UNITED ARE ON THEIR WAY TO MOSCOW!!! :D :D :D Scholes u are a legend!
Rhiannon Rainsforth Rhiannon Rainsforth
Rhiannon Rainsforth "דר הו" Lonely - 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago

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I'm looking forward to seeing it....<g>
A Big Squeeze!!! You have been given A Big Squeeze!!!.
Crafted by Loz
Debbie Adventurous - 15 years, 10 months, 26 days ago

You're So Sweet! You have been given You're So Sweet!.
Crafted by Tinker Gie
oD_ "♥ Mi Grrrr" Ferocious - 15 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
No worries doll, life happens...quite often, it gets in the way of social time too...<G> So, how did you like the first one of the year? Love it? Hate it? I have not managed to see it yet, but <still> soon....<g>
Hey Look!...It's Me!!! You have been given Hey Look!...It's Me!!!.
Crafted by Loz
Debbie Adventurous - 15 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
oD_ "♥ Mi Grrrr" Ferocious - 15 years, 11 months, 9 days ago

&lt;3  rawr  &lt;3 You have been given <3 rawr <3.
Crafted by Nora Elisa
oD_ "♥ Mi Grrrr" Ferocious - 15 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
Just stopping by to say hello.....<g>
A thoughtful gaze You have been given A thoughtful gaze.
Crafted by Erika
Debbie Adventurous - 15 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
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Rhiannon's shop
Rhiannon's TARDIS full of treats

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