The protector
There I sit
In a darkened corner
Why am I here I ask
You are where I told you to be comes the voice
But why
Because you are one of the few
I watch and see all
I pass by unnoticed
Weapons always at the ready
Well trained and always steady
My mission does not change
Only the places
I am filled by powers unknown to most
A calling laid on my
My life is filled with pain
Memories of the past and a vision of what is to come
I know my place
But not who I am
A single touch and some will run in fear
Others sleep knowing none can cone near
Alone I stand
Alone I fight
Do not fear me
Do not hate me for what I do
For I protect you from things you do not know
I fight to keep you safe
And when all is calm at last
I am drift off to be but a memory
For the day has been won
But somewhere the battle rages on
Unknown "Ravven"
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago