once upon a time, in a faraway land lived a amoeba.
sick and tired of life in general, and obviously the lack of a pretty head, it thought of all ways possible to grow one.
one day, a not-so-innocent squirrel came along the pond where amoeba was in and slurped up water together with amoeba. (Note: this is the squirel which cause the end of the last ice age) recognising this gorgeous, almost godsend, opportunity, amoeba starting replicating, and infiltrated every single cell in the dumbass squirrel's body and eventually the squirrel was taken over.
amoeba now has a head, a very pretty head
and she can now wear the sparkly pretty purple (did i mention sparkly? ) crown that she deserves.
Unknown "hime" Lazy
- 17 years, 19 days ago