Dance at sunrise
Dance at sunset
Dance to remember
Dance to forget
Dance for fire and water
Dance for air and earth
Dance in winter for slow decay
Dance in spring for new birth
Dance for every life
Dance for every death
Dance when at full strength
Dance when out of breath
Dance in full view
Dance hidden away
Dance through the longest night
Dance through the longest day
Dance as every creature
Dance on land and in sea
Dance for what has ended
Dance for what has yet to be
Dance at every small delight
Dance at the slightest sadness
Dance in ecstasy and dark despair
Dance in sanity and madness
Dance for every wish and hope
Dance in reality and when dreaming
Dance when you are filled with love
Dance when you’re hurt and screaming
Dance for every thought and feeling
Dance asleep and when awake
Dance when your heart is whole
Dance when it’s bleeding and about to break
Dance for all this and more
For all you hear and taste and touch and see
Dance for yourself but promise me this
Never dance for me.
Unknown "Ari" Calm
- 16 years, 10 months, 25 days ago