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JJ | - Free online hangout and friends
Laurentis owns this human at 115763 points.


Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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I"m seeking a new pet, one that is here now and then, doesn't have an angry exowner that keeps buying you back. I just wanna have someone to spoil.
JJ "❤ANGEL❤" Purring - 15 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
Wondering why people that don't know you block you.

JJ "❤ANGEL❤" Purring - 15 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
Just wanna wish anyone reading this.... A very Happy Easter..
JJ "❤ANGEL❤" Purring - 15 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Not sure ppl actually read these anymore, as it seems Human Pets is dieing.
Many people the linked it thru Facebook can no longer get on..
People are not commenting, or thumbing or even seem to be interested.
How can we bring them back....
I miss my pets and my friends :(
JJ "❤ANGEL❤" Purring - 16 years, 18 days ago
Why do we do stupid things that hurt people, even when we really don't mean to.
Its like I do it so often.. its to a point where I honestly feel some people don't like me cause of how I feel and its like maybe I should just keep my thoughts and feelings to myself, so I stop hurting others or making them get rid of their friends to please me.
What is right anymore ? What shall one do?
JJ "❤ANGEL❤" Purring - 16 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
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grace andrew

by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "BEST GRACE YET!" - 10 years, 11 months, 6 days ago

☆ HELLO, HELLO ☆ You have been given ☆ HELLO, HELLO ☆.
Crafted by Mia
Laurentis "Captived Wolf" Playful - 12 years, 6 months, 9 days ago

smile & a wink You have been given smile & a wink.
Crafted by Star
Froy "re-bf'd" Curious - 14 years, 5 months, 7 days ago

Dancing On Ur Page ツ You have been given Dancing On Ur Page ツ.
Crafted by SassyGirl
Kenny - 14 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Tia Harribel

Thank You... You have been given Thank You....
Crafted by Tia Harribel
Tia Harribel Inspired - 14 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
Jaco Van Der Merwe

Pet Me, Kiss Me, Bite Me! You have been given Pet Me, Kiss Me, Bite Me!.
Crafted by Mr Fox
Jaco Van Der Merwe "Bacchus" Cheeky - 14 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
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JJ's shop
Jungle Jane's Shop

Come and get some items for your favourite pets.

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Listen now
1 use

200 pts
Listen now
Bought by 5 people
i need you
1 use

200 pts
i need you
Bought by 16 people
you know I'm right... sometimes
1 use

200 pts
you know I'm right... sometimes
Bought by 16 people
Which Bridge
1 use

110 pts
Which Bridge
Bought by 35 people
friends always.
1 use

200 pts
friends always.
Bought by 26 people
moving day.
1 use

200 pts
moving day.
Bought by 44 people
We all deserve 2nd chances.
1 use

200 pts
We all deserve 2nd chances.
Bought by 14 people
not talking to me ?
1 use

200 pts
not talking to me ?
Bought by 22 people
Steal a hug?
1 use

200 pts
Steal a hug?
Bought by 40 people
a peeking in to say HI!
1 use

200 pts
a peeking in to say HI!
Bought by 70 people
lots & lots of hugs
1 use

200 pts
lots & lots of hugs
Bought by 55 people
a little hug.
1 use

200 pts
a little hug.
Bought by 50 people
just saying HI!
1 use

200 pts
just saying HI!
Bought by 96 people
go for a ride
1 use

200 pts
go for a ride
Bought by 16 people
a big Hello!
1 use

200 pts
a big Hello!
Bought by 43 people
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