dude no joke gimmie ur number right now i need to text u the fucking craziest mario tattoo pic i have seen since clinton got his french fry burned from monica
- 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
LMFAO THIS VIDEO IS FUNNY AS HE LL... i was watchin it and i was thinkin hmmm this looks like fun... and then 10 feet into the game a colony of characters came into play and i was like WOW they ODed on bad guys... looks pretty fun... and hectic...... funny story for u.. the answer is no i have never played sega because i only had nintendo growing up.... and ontop of that... u know how nintendo has games that r only on the nintendo game console and say ONLY FOR NINTENDO on the box of the game... well those were the only games i could buy cuz my parents though that it meant that those games were for nintendo... so pretty much i had about 3 games lol... duck hunt, mario bros and some game where u walk around a skool and kick eachothers faces in... so i gew up with a small selection of games to choose from
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
oldskool mario is the sh it. the new paper mario is pretty bada ss cuz its newskool and oldskool intergrated... i got all of the old ones at home... and for mega man... its amazing.... one thing that never tickled my fancy was sonic... i could never get into sonic at all... i just felt like all i was doing was pressing the right button and i felt way too rushed :-p
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
shit shit shit shit sorry lol
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago