I'm so excited... a few more days till i am in beautiful Vegas!!!! Hooray for vacations!!! Unknown"My Bitch"Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
So it's been a long week! Busy and stressful but I welcome the challange... its like they say.. that which does not kill me makes me stronger! I hope thats true. Just wanted to give a shout out to my friends that helped me out this week! I really appreciate it! And my wife is returning today!! hooraaayy! Thats all for now folks! R.I.P Grandpa Beckwith... Unknown"My Bitch"Sleepy
- 17 years ago
So... we went to the humane society today... we looked at a couple of dogs and came home with.... a new puppy!!! Welcome our new baby boy Payton!!! Unknown"My Bitch"Sleepy
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago