He awoke to a sound like that of a Newton’s Cradle only at ten times the speed and less regular. Between consciousness and sleep there is a moment when familiar sounds merge into dreams, scenes begin to shift and lure the real world into a false reality. Before he knew it time had gone back to when he was young and keyboards were used to enter information into a computer; his hands moved from resting on a table top to tapping away at the keyboard, as he looked up his wife turned into the boss delivering orders and barking various requests (something he had grown accustomed to). Single cell cubicles grew around him as if a toaster had spat out the cooked slices, only multicolour, a trend produced by “out of the box” directors to keep the drones alert. Frantically typing away to finalise whatever it was that had to be dealt with, he soon came to the conclusion this dream was not where he wanted to be, it was a time in his life that to say he wished he had forgotten would be an understatement. His eyelids began to un-stick and the walls around him instantly crumbled down like a thousand dropping marbles.
Unknown "Sweet Heart" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago