You were taken on a trip! You have sailed on a cruise.
- 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago
hey keith :) thats really cute lol :D all theother girls meaning nothing to you :P aww i miss you ! we used to be such good friends back in grade 5. the good old days. i think the last time i saw u was at the grocery store in kemptville...u were just starting your shift or something, so u couldnt really talk. wat r u up to now a days? ur living in british columbia??????? y u al the way out there? im still living in ottawa, and hte only times i go and visit kemptville is with bev lol. can u believe bev and i are still best freinds haha...i find it funny :P ne ways ill talk to u later (hopefully) ps so techincally were still together :P
- 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
hey my pet! i own ur ass haha i no this might seem really random, but ummm lol u no back in grade 6 when we dated? well, did we ever really break up?? lol i was just thinking bout that the other day.....hhaha......yaaaaaaaaa