Chris Owens
"Sexy Sexy"Loving
- 16 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
You, your friends, and your friends friends friends are cordially invited to join the Have You herd. Keep up to date on everything that is HP at the Have You herd.
"The Samurai "Intrigued
- 17 years, 11 days ago
AAaahhh!! No! *starts digging frantically in the snow* WHERE ARE YOU!??? >.< *Finds you*.... *POUNCES* :D lol... at the moment I can't think of anything that is really new with me. Two months new, yes. One month new, yes. OMG! THERE'S SOMEONE IN MY BACK YARD >.< oh, nvm... it was just a Seagul :S
"Seductive Stef"Loyal
- 17 years, 21 days ago
Haha! I am unintentionally entertaining; However, I am happy you are amused by my antics :P
I was really surprised to log onto Human Pets and see that you left me a post :) Made my day :P How have you been? Anything new? Yes, I am nosy... no, not nosy... just making conversation... :P Old ladies having coffee conversation, but conversation nonetheless :P Hehe!
"Seductive Stef"Loyal
- 17 years, 25 days ago
*Takes your temperature* You must have a fever... hehe jp. I'm alrighty :) Happy has a doorknob... erm... daisy?... okay, okay! Happy as a Coffee addict that gets their fix... If you haven't been here, where have you been??? *twitches* ... outside??? :P
"Seductive Stef"Loyal
- 17 years, 2 months, 25 days ago