It's the heart, afraid of breaking That never learns to dance. It's the dream, afraid of waking That never takes the chance. It's the one, who won't be taken Who cannot seem to give. And the soul, afraid of dying That never learns to live. Nicholas Teo Xue Wei"Nic. SL"Inspired
- 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
一人做事一人当,小叮做事小叮当. Nicholas Teo Xue Wei"Nic. SL"Inspired
- 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
i actually met the girl of my dreams today. after what seemed like an eternity waiting at the busstop for my ride she stode past; golden locks and all. mind you, she wasnt just any girl it was freakin SNOW WHITE! regrettably, her beauty and grace overwhelmed me hence i couldnt muster enough courage to actually appoach for her number and/or a picture together. however being the huge wuss i am, taking a picture of her unnoticed seemed like a pretty damn good idea at the time! :D
Samantha Lee
"daydreamer ♥"Playful
- 15 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
i wish i could live up to the term "party animal" but *whispers* my mom is cramping my style. lols not that i mind, though i often have the urge to sneak out and get a few shots of vodka and slip off to dreamland. but cinderella wouldn't do that would she? *innocent look*
does that hut have a fan?? i hope it is full of books and CDs !! woohoo!! and vitagen :p *random*
*pets nicky's head* no prob. i don't know what to do with my accumulating points anyway. oh oh i just added you on facebook! accidentally stumble upon your profile actually. oh wells, keep in touch duders! *hugs*
Samantha Lee
"daydreamer ♥"Playful
- 15 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
internet is full of crap if you haven't notice the obvious :p haha rawr!
awwwww...well, I'm good. just started my semester break!! like...AMEN!! after a long week of slaving. literally. i wanna get away from the cityyyy!! and and sorry for the late reply. I don't log in as often as i used to. this application does get boring at times. but its the herd that provides the fun.