I am so angry with the negative reaction to Heath Ledgers death. I'm sick of the religious groups out there saying the his death was a result from God punishing him for his role as a homo-sexual in Brokeback Mountain. It's disgusting how they plan to picket outside his funeral, memorial services and even the Oscars for when they pay tribute him on the Oscars. I use to be a Christian, but as I have grown up I have am so confused with what the Bible says about so many aspects on how to not live your life. I am so confused with even the notion of there is even God. I am scared even questioning the fact that there is a God, because I feel I am going to burn in hell for not living my life by what the Bible says, and that everything I do is a sin. I feel brain washed, I feel that my whole childhood was because I was taught about the word of God, I went to church, I went to a Christian private school, and believed. But I also had no real view of the outside world. But that the world is evil and thus we shouldn't watch TV or listen to non-Christian music cause its evil. I feel that when I was trying to be a good Christian I was always doing something wrong. I eventually started to question it, and the more I saw about what religion has done to this world with its negative aspects, I started to not want to have anything to do with it.
So recently I had enough!! I am now agnostic, I do believe, but I also don't. I guess you could say I am a skeptic about all theories about all religions, and about evolution. I don't really believe in any of them. But I do try to research them all when I get time to. Right now I feel I would be lying to myself to try to believe in anything strongly at this point. And I don't care if I am offending anyone, because its my beliefs and I would never try to tell you what to believe or not to. I did once a long time ago and I don't think that is right now. I don't know all thus why should I think I have the write to try to convince someone on how to live there life just because I live my life that way. In the end I guess will all find out who was right and who was wrong. It's scary and I am scared, more then probably most people are, but I can't be content with saying I am something that I can't completely live my life by.
In the case of Heath Ledger. He is dead now, and his family and friends are in mourning. Even if you didn't like him or didn't like the fact that he portrayed and homo-sexual, well please just leave them alone. All your doing is making things worse. Your picketing won't help anyone it will just make matters worse, there is not much to gain and his family shouldn't be blamed for his choices in life. Just because he may have believed in something doesn't mean they did and well what should it matter to anyone anyway, they didn't go picket at peoples funerals for being Christian. These so called Christian groups sound more like hate groups, its fine if you don't believe in same sex unions but you don't have to attack people so cruelly because they are. By the way I had no problem with Heath Ledger, I adored him as an actor, and he will be missed by me.
Sorry if I offended anyone but I had to get this of my mind
Unknown "Evey"
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago