im currently home schooled becuase apparently last year i was a very bad person...but honestly i think last year was the year i was best behaved...but whatever. im not really big into the dating scene, and thats why it explains why i have im only looking for friendship. i just dont have time for a relationship right now becuase it all just blows up in your face anway.
right now im a junior. one more year and im soo freaking excited! as soon as i turn 18 im moving out of my house and getting a place of my own. i would move out of this tiny tiny tonw. but i love all of the peeps here...even though its got 400 old people and only like 21 kids my age...but the kids my age are pretty much amazing haha, and the occasional old people haha
my parents?..dont get along with them at all. my mom? dont even want to go there. my dad? i suppose he's alright at times. but mostly i just stay away from them.. my siblings mean the world to me...i have 3 half sisters and 4 half brothers. yes i was the adopted one of the fam. my mother is my biological mom, but my daddy is not. im right smack dab in the middle of my lil fam here haha. but so yes anyway. my parents=no. brothers and sisters=yes.
when i graduate im going to college for psychology-psychosomatic behaviors. its actually a lot longer name but i cant spell it right now..i will spell it out when i know for sure how to haha.
ok this is really super duper i will just leave it at this or else i will ramble on and on...but its not like ppl actually read these anyway. your just gonna thumb and be on your way. haha. its ok though. i understand these things. well talk to you later. mwahs to you :)
Unknown "dez" Unwell
- 17 years, 2 months, 26 days ago