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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 53606 points.

"roman bath"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Down in front, Arsenal, Sexy Music Lovers Is My Jukebox
Unknown's tales
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Good evening facebook friends and pets. The little giraffe girl is giving up facebook for lent. So thats from middnight tonight until easter sunday! Wednesday 6th February - Saturday 22nd March i will be facebookless. Although i am currently looking into a loop hole about sundays not being included. hee hee hee. So i love you all and hope all my facebook pets and friends will still be around when i return to facebook at easter. If you wanna talk to me then email me any posts u would normally put on here. and make sure you tell me who you are. Wish me luck everyone. Dropping from facebook 5 times a day, to none for 6 ish weeks! scary scary!!! Byeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unknown "roman bath" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month ago
Monday evening and this little giraffe is very tired. Had a busy weekend. Let me explain. On saturday this little giraffe got dressed in working clothes and trotted off to walk the 20 mins to the rudgy stadium. She worked from 10:30am until 9pm in a public bar, this entailed her being a multitalented giraffe and pouring pints of larger and bitter at the same time. And occasionally pouring the pints on herself or those around her. Needless to say her hoofs were very sticky by the end of the night. England loast which sucked but Kareoke at the bar kept her entertained until hometime. When the giraffe got home her friend txt her saying they were no longer coming round as they had broken down. So the little giraffe got in her car and went to meet them when they got home. The tired little giraffe didnt get to sleep until 2am and then didnt come home till 9pm sunday. The little giraffe girl is trying to educate herself well but cant be sure how much of the IT and English lectures went in today, as she was very sleepy. And now she is laying in bed dreaming of africa and her giraffe friends running free on the plains. x xxx xxxx x xx
Unknown "roman bath" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month ago
This little giraffe wishes it could be september 2005 again please. People say that we shouldnt wish to change the past or turn back time. People say we should have no regrets but that's bullshit! There have been ups and down over the past 2-3 years but there are a few things that i wish i would have handled differently for sure.
Unknown "roman bath" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
Hey everyone. Tonight the little giraffe is at home home. Thats south east greater london rather than normal home which is south west greater london. Come home to pick up paper work and get fed by giraffe parents. Free food! yippee.. lol. Will be travelling back soon. But am very tired so if you're good friends with the giraffe girl then a quick text would be great to keep her awake. Hope everyone is happy, healthy and keeping well. Love to you all.xxxx xx xx xxxxx
Unknown "roman bath" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Tonight the little giraffe girl is feeling rather tired. But right at the same time is excited coz people are actually bidding on her auction. Proper real bids. Strangers whom she doesnt know. Now let me explain the little giraffe girl loves getting to know strangers. Some get her into trouble but others can be very fun indeed. So strangers should bid on her. Entertain her, or at least humour her. And remember that girls can bid too. She like girls too, afterall u cant talk about guys to guys. U have to talk about guys to girls! xxx
Unknown "roman bath" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
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Meredith Einhorn
love you guys!!! So glad HP is back :D
You have been given Bubbles.
Crafted by
Meredith Einhorn "Miss Washington" Hurt - 16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
hahahaha...damn and theres me thinking you was after me again. :P
Marc "♥ Mr Sock ♥" Hmm... Thoughtful - 16 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
thats good, glad your happy. im ok, tired and achey from working hard... erm yeah! otherwise im ok. :)
Marc "♥ Mr Sock ♥" Hmm... Thoughtful - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
hehe, thanks meri thats very kind of you. :) how you been keeping?
Marc "♥ Mr Sock ♥" Hmm... Thoughtful - 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
hello you.
Marc "♥ Mr Sock ♥" Hmm... Thoughtful - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Hey Sexy, How's you?
You have been given Dinner for two.
Crafted by
Unknown "Mr. Wonderful" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Meri's Mad Manic Place for shopping!

A shop to buy those random things you didnt think you'd ever need!

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A romantic Sunset
1 use

100 pts
A romantic Sunset
Bought by 16 people
A romantic holiday for two
1 use

350 pts
A romantic holiday for two
Bought by 24 people
a boat trip
1 use

200 pts
a boat trip
Bought by 9 people
Romantic sunset at sea
1 use

300 pts
Romantic sunset at sea
Bought by 1 people
A night in with the spray cream!
1 use

500 pts
A night in with the spray cream!
Bought by 4 people
Best looking award!
1 use

200 pts
Best looking award!
Bought by 11 people
A flying lesson
1 use

200 pts
A flying lesson
Bought by 16 people
The red arrows!
1 use

200 pts
The red arrows!
Bought by 4 people
Trip to ann summers
1 use

300 pts
Trip to ann summers
Bought by 6 people
A holiday for 2
1 use

300 pts
A holiday for 2
Bought by 10 people
Golden love hearts
1 use

200 pts
Golden love hearts
Bought by 1 people
Dinner for two
1 use

200 pts
Dinner for two
Bought by 6 people
An evening trip at Thorpe Park
1 use

500 pts
An evening trip at Thorpe Park
Bought by 8 people
A diamond ring
1 use

500 pts
A diamond ring
Bought by 5 people
Sunset by the river
1 use

300 pts
Sunset by the river
Bought by 5 people
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