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33631 pts
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Unknown's tales
Ok so last night I had the craziest dream ever imagineable...I was drivin to school or i got to school somehow...and i went up to the chemistry room but the place looked different like i was in the elementary library or somethin and so i was just lookin around when i found out that regina spektor was in the next room! so obviously i had to go talk to my biggest fan (and regina spektor is my favorite singer by the way). so anywho...i went into the room that she was supposed to be in but this weird lookin lady and some other guy were there instead and they wouldnt let me talk to her so i just walked away dissapointed...then...as i walked downstairs through the student center I saw the one and only Mr. Prottsman! i was so excited and everybody around was talkin to him cuz he was one of the coolest guys eva!:) and one more thing in my dream that wasnt connected to the rest of it other than it partially happened at the school...was that i found some baby kittens at our house and then mom had me take two chickens in a box to school because they were going to die if they stayed at our house due to a chicken bird flu epidemic or some crazy thing like that...but they died anyways...even after i took them to the nurses office (which had multiple nurses other than mrs. robinson and it looked like a hospital or something..) so anyways that was my crazy dream so i hope you liked it cuz that tookl really long to type:)
Unknown "Hippie" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
one time my mom saw a skunk outside and wanted it shot, but dad was at work, so she called him up to get him to explain to her how to use a shotgun...so she gets the gun out and everything and goes outside while kayla and i are inside watching this whole thing out the window:) so heres what happens...mom shoots at skunk, misses, and hits a chunk of gravel right next to the skunk. not to mention the fact that mom didn't know that the casing comes fliying out after you pull the trigger and she didnt know that the gun has a little kickback when you fire it so the gun surprised her quite a bit...but anyways...so the skunk sees the gravel get blown up right next to itself, turns around to face mom and takes off in her direction, mom starts to run back inside but our doorhandle was broken off at the time so she starts to flip out yelling at us to let her inside when somehow she got the door open herself just in time to escape the possessed skunk:) i thought it was hilarious
Unknown "Hippie" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
once there was a boy named fredrico. whenever he saw the color green he screamed like a little girl. fredrico had been doing this since he was born and he was now 11 years old. his parents removed anything green from their house just so they didnt have to listen to the kid scream. they took him to doctors to try and figure out why the color green was so disturbing to the poor child. they all thought he had some sort of childhood experience that caused it. finally one day when fredrico was watching tv he spotted the color green, but this time he didn't scream. his parents saw this happen and they were both in shock. they unplugged their ears being pepared for the scream, and fred's mother asked him why he didn't scream at the color green. fredrico simply said that he needed to get used to the color because he needed to get a job and money - and he knew that money is always green, plus he just loved the thrill of annoying his parents (but inside fredrico, he knew that the real reason for overcoming green was the fact that he had a terrible urge to get to know all about the teenage mutant ninja turtles - and whats life worth without tmnt???)
Unknown "Hippie" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
So one time when I was working at McDonalds..yea i work at the greatest place ever...i know...:) and so anyways i was all stressed out but then I saw this old guy that had a mustache and the ends of his mustache were curled up all fancy crazy-like...I looked and I thought i was losing it at first, but i realized it was 4 real, and i was really close to cracking up and my sister thought my face of reaction to this guys mustache was funny...so there's my tale...thumb away:)
Unknown "Hippie" Uncertain
- 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
Kendra's Tienda
this sounds like its gonna be pretty awesome...:)
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