Well its been a busy few days. I went to london at the weekend to see the live action death note movie. It rocked! I had a great day fucking about and talking anime with Doc. However since this trip came 3 days before my dissertation deadline I ended up rushing it a little when I got back, but the importnat point is that I finished it in 2 days (conclusion was a whole world of waffle) now to pull the same trick with my script! Post hasnt been yet today Dissertation done, 30 pages of script (intend to rewrite them) RnD handed in (pile of shite). 9 days to go!
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
It was the dissertation deadline today, thank fuck for my 3 week extension (personal reasons if anyones asking). So as such todays been slow. I've finally started the 2nd season of heroes with my little bro and i watched the repeat of dexter. Wow my life is goverened by TV, so glad I wanna be a script writer or this could be seen as a very unhealthy habit. Post: Supernatural Impala T-shirt, Oz season 4, Smallville season 4, Moon Phase vol 4, the Austin Powers trilogy and finally Strawberry Panic vol 1. Also got Monocrom Factor vol 1 and the world most 'exciting' book on mass media regulations. All in all a really good day for post (a very bad day for procrastination) 1200 words and 20 pages (some good feedback too) 30 days to go!
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Today has been a pretty active day, that said I havent really got that much done. More fucking about with researching and script writting, trying to do both at the same time is kinda hard when ure ment to be reading about censorship and dictating graphic horror to your lazy ass brother. Ah well, meetings tomorrow with various tutors, me thinks I'll be up all night. 3 games in the post (that i've had taken off me so I dont get distracted from my work :(, go on ask me what they were *wink* ) and first volume of the rayearth manga (my god i'm decades behind in everything) 1200 words and 16 pages 37 days to go!
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
More work avoidence today, which kinda sucks since I need to have done half my dissertation by tomorrow, ah well. I finally started writting for script but only 10 pages and I hate all the dialouge I've written so far, its due a heavy editing some time in the future. If we ever get off our asses its food at yoyo's tonight! Really need to get a more active life! Oh yeh and really loving Oz right now (yeh I know I'm like a decade late) Love films in the post (where are my other dvds!?) 1200 words and 10 pages done 38 days to go!
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
Well I thought I'd give this shit a try so here will be a some-what daily update of the crap I do. Today....advoiding doing dissertation research followed by dirty sexy money on tv at 9. Hmmm I think I lead a pretty boring life.... No post today :( 41 days to go!
Unknown Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 24 days ago