Life over love. When we first met, Love was sweet. Soon, when we parted, Love too, became retarded. It was a big blow to me, I thought this will last forever-we. Boy, was I wrong, Like stated in a song. But life must go on, I’m not at all done. Love comes and go, Like a drama show. Life, however, is a different picture, Life, is more, more of a teacher. DNPY ~2003/2004
Darren Ng "me me me" Carefree
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Love and war Some people hate- with knives, Some people paid- with lives, What’s up with this? Why not settle with a kiss? Because people, they just don’t understand, The ideology of human nature, a friend. To love and to care, To give and to share, Through pain and sorrow, Through shame and quarrels. Embracing love, a war never starts, And compassion shall write their hearts. DNPY 12.15 a.m. 7/11/2003
Darren Ng "me me me" Carefree
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
The first. 23rd March 2003 is an unforgetful day. Not because of my dad’s birthday. But the day the cupid played, She said yes, To answer my request, Sayonara, goodbye to the rest. We became one, The deal was done. Impactful like the morning sun. It was joy and ecstasy, In my own mind I see, Her, sitting right next to me. She had the middle seat in my heart, In orbit, playing the big part, Big banging to the start. It has been only one month, Being with you sure was fun, Its still a dream to me, ask my tongue. But such and such, this shall not end, Not even because of other men, This I confirm jotted down in pen. This relationship will last forever, Nothing shall ever ever, Bring this down, never never! DNPY 22/4/03
Darren Ng "me me me" Carefree
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Alone There is no one on my left, And no one on my right, There’s nobody left, And no soul in sight. I’m in my room, Sitting on my chair, Tending to a wound, Is anyone there? Its physically fine, Yet, it has a big tear, It grows bigger over time, But does anyone care? I’m sure some do, And I’m sure some don’t, I long for you, Yet, I am alone. Who are you? And what do you want? Are you my boo? And are you the one? The questions asked fades away, Drifts somewhere and lay, Left to be answered on another day? Or does it have a solution one say? You aren’t there when I needed you, And for a long time I stayed strong, I’m turning all emotional, true, I can’t help it-I’m down, wrong? Why do I even feel like this? I’m single and I like it! Why can’t my relationships be bliss? Is it because I can’t commit? Is it my fault to be selfish? I stay me and do not submit. Is it that I’m not rich? Or is it that I look like shit? I need someone to hold on to now, Heart that has concerns, Actions to show me how, And ears which listens. I have not met you, But in my dreams I have, To hope I will, And I have lots left. Will I meet you tomorrow? Will I meet you today? Have a phrase I can borrow? What will I say? I will not say a word, And observe from a distance, I’ll stay inert, You won’t notice my existence. I’ll stay like that, And take no action, We have not met, And there is no invitation. I don’t want to know your name, And you don’t get to know me, I’ll shoulder the blame, Its justified, you’ll see. I should take all the pain, And not have you, I’ll act this when sane, So we do not go through. The experience and the moments, The madness and rational, The joy and arguments, The physical and emotional, We will not go far, In perfectness there is dirt, The end will scar, Being with me will only hurt, Its better to stay unknown, And in my sorrows drown, Its better to cry alone, Then to see you down. Sometimes love is about sacrifice, And for you, I’ll do anything, But going against feelings is unwise, and I can’t stop my heart from wanting….. -2.20 a.m., 21/12/2006- Darren NPY
Darren Ng "me me me" Carefree
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Zhen Yao's? Peck yun’s blabber, Tears asunder, My grey matter.
Darren Ng "me me me" Carefree
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago