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Unknown's tales
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who are you?...i dont even know you.... worse than that you dont know me. you spent all this time worrying about being a better mother to us than your mother was to you.. that we never had a mom at all. All you cared about was that everyone else saw you as the 'perfect mother' you wanted them to think we were the 'perfect family' ... there is no such thing mother... now ... now that ive grown up and left... now you want to be my mother... fuck that... i grew up all these years without a mother ... i dont need one now ... i needed you then and you werent there ... now all i need is a friend and you cant even be that... grow up mother...

who do you want to be?.... you always tried to be my friend... a friend.. ha... did you ever think that maybe i wanted a father... maybe i wanted that male role modle in my life... maybe i didnt want to know all your flaws and quirks... you always tried to play innocent and make yourself look like the 'victum' of the divorce... you werent ever just there for us... it was always something knows what wich time... and now haha now that im grown and gone... you never call... its almost like you dont care... then when i call i get lectured for making you worry ... fuck that... im not the only one at fault here... grow up father....

between your fighting...your divorce...your childish games and rumors... we grew up alone... we taught ourselves everything we needed to know about all i ever heard from either of you is how horrible the other one is.. all the things they do to you.. and how you are the victum of your divorce... wake up ... grow up... the only victums of this so called life we lived were us..your children ... and now that im grown and gone...its too late to make things right ... you cannot change the past or fix what youve done to us... so i suggest that you do whatever you can to make our futures together be as plesant as possible ... or you may lose us forever..
To The Parents Of America.... grow up already.
Unknown "Bruiser" Injured - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
"I see a shadow in the mirror, and shes laughing through her tears ... one more smile is all i can fake" ~dunno who wrote that quote
Unknown "Bruiser" Injured - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
My heart is sore
My eyes are dry
There are no more tears left to cry
My soul aches with devilish spite
I yurn to feel your touch tonight
Within your eyes i see the cure
the end of all that hurts for sure
Impossible it is to reach
I scream but lack a voice for speach
Please ... now send me away
For if you dont ... i fear i will stay.
Unknown "Bruiser" Injured - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
after the truth comes out and i am exposed ... will you still be here ... will you run like the rest of the world when you see my inner demons have arrose ... when you see me there hung on a stake for all to see with vines of thorny black roses covering me ... what will you think when you see my blood .. trickling down my skin ... dripping slowly onto the ground ... how will you feel when you look into my eyes ... and see that im sorry for all of the lies ... when you see that im crying and about to end ... what will you do ... how do you determine what price is too high to spend?
Unknown "Bruiser" Injured - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
as i lay my head down to sleep
i prayed my breath be stricken from me
i lay there crying
and felt it fleeing
my eyes closed and to dreams i drifted
only to awake with no pain lifted.
Unknown "Bruiser" Injured - 16 years, 9 months, 5 days ago
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lovely tattoo... I thumbed all your tales. enjoy and have a good one.

Unknown "my jeffhead ♥" Feisty - 16 years, 8 months, 19 days ago
Unknown "Punnchy" Uncertain - 16 years, 8 months, 27 days ago
Cool tat.
Unknown "Micro" Carefree - 16 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to Human Pets Lacey :-)
Stefan Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 8 days ago
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