Today was awesome. I might even go as far as to say it was "awesome-sauce".
Got up and went to Moose Jaw with the sis. Did a tour of a bootlegging tunnel that had something to do with Al Capone, pretty cool. The tour people where all in costume and character. It was fun.
Next... swimming! In a hot spring pool! Relaxing hot mineral spring water pool warm nice... I almost fell asleep a few times it was so nice.
Then on the way out of Moose Jaw we had Gelato! I. Love. Gelato. I will give years of my life in serivce for the promise of Gelato... and possibly a Chai latte. Hint hint.
Anyway it was a great day and it end it off we are heading to Bushwackers for drinks tonight. Perfect end to the most relaxing day of my life to date.
Unknown "Dea's Dolly" Rabid
- 17 years, 8 days ago