Merry Christmas to all, and have a safe and happy New Year! there are some nice prezzies here! Read on kiddies!
ZAJ #1 = You have been given Bubba Keg 72 Oz Insulated Sport Mug Black.
ZAJ #2 = You have been given Greek Extra Large Kalamata Olives Mini-keg 2 Kilos (4.4
ZAJ #3 = You have been given Pherone Formula W-1 Pheromone Cologne for Women to Attract Men, with Human Copulins and 4mg of Human Pheromones.
ZAJ #4 = You have been fed pet beer.
ZAJ #5 = You have been fed pet beer.
ZAJ #6 = You have been fed pet beer.
ZAJ #7 = You have been toasted to tail ale.
ZAJ #8 = You have been toasted to tail ale.
ZAJ #9 = You have been toasted to tail ale.
WOW! now that's a lot of beer. Good few days drinking there...and i'd like to say i've been doing so the past few days! Not so sure about the women's pheromones though! The olives will go down a treat. Now i just need some dip, tequila and lime and we can get started!!
Tara = You have been fed donuts.
MMM Donuts! *drools*. Alas you know me well. Much is my love of food!
Carli #1 = You have been given Wii.
Carli #2 = CD (War All The Time.)
Carli #3 = The Pop-up Book of Sex.
Carli #4 = You have been given Sexy Mr. Santa Adult Adult Costume.
Carli #5 = You have been given Romance By Ralph Lauren For Men. Eau De Toilette Spray 3.4 Ounces.
Carli #6 = You have been given Leg Lamp - Mens Vintage T-Shirt, Brown, Large.
Carli #7 = You have been given Eddie Bauer Expedition Cross Body Sling (One Size Leaf).
WOO we can 'Wii' together ;) heh. I shall look good and smell nice...and i get to play with a pop-up book too! Aren't I a lucky one!! Although my sexy santa costume looks like the same thing I wore when i stripped on stage for the radio station contest! ;)
Happy Holidays!! You've received 2008 points *_^!
Unknown "My Aussie" Playful
- 17 years, 3 months, 8 days ago