i miss you stupid. i hate so many silly boys. but not you youre actually not a moron. you should probably try and come online more.... i know you get busy n stuff....but please :/.
"o.0 my mik "Festive
- 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
- 16 years, 6 months, 9 days ago
hello joe ^_^ i miss u to, but im always so busy nowadays...i dont have time to sit and chat online much... ill try harder. life is kind of lame at the moment :(. where are you now?? :(:(:( xxxxxxxxxxxxx
"o.0 my mik "Festive
- 16 years, 6 months, 18 days ago
that sucks about the getting wet part, yeah we got her insurance and she will pa yfor it all....but it sucks still...you know...shaun just shaved his head, and the plastic clipper attachment broke, so he had to make himself bald hahaha he looks funny. he has a full beard too....lol. well you could always buy a super tiny children's tent thats really light, and easy to carry, you'll just have to curl up in a ball inside it, but it will be snug and homely, get a barbie one. so you'll stand out. :D i need to clean up all the hair on bathroom floor now, shaun was late for work so he didnt clean it up...awesome. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"o.0 my mik "Festive
- 16 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
well thats cool you spending time with her...does she know or not?? i ended up spending most of last night driving around MI in the middle of nowhere. lots of corn fields and hick towns...and morons who wouldn't turn there brights off... and then ate mexican food, it was fun :D. and we got in a car accident last week and i guess we might just end up having to get a new car, some dumbass fat cow ran a red light and hit us, she was a bitch and i want to kill her. any way i have a new computer now so im sure ill be sat online alot more now ahaha ^_^ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"o.0 my mik "Festive
- 16 years, 7 months, 10 days ago
that was a pretty impersonal message, after i gave you all that love. i hope you enjoy your new job. xxxx
"o.0 my mik "Festive
- 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago