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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Rose Walker
Rose Walker owns this human at 50 points.

"Ðeşırė "

Unknown, 32/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:49 PM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
Location: Canada

"Prettiest Broken Girl You've Ever Seen"
About me:
She is a girl with the name of Cara.
She has an age which is currently 16.
She is single.
She has many thoughts, that may or may not involve you.
She is a vegeterian.
She may or may not do drugs.
She may or may not smoke.
Liquor makes her smile.
She is learning to be comfortable in her own skin.
She uses words like, hun, love, sweetie, dear. That doesn't mean she likes you.
She can, and will be nice.
She is really good at pretending she likes people.
Don't fuck with her friends or you're dead.
She is patiently waiting.
That's all you need to know.
If You have any questions ASK.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
40518 pts
21000 pts
"My Angel<3"
18419 pts
"Math Buddy"
11260 pts
2244 pts

555 pts

555 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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Yes or No
1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No!
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and Asks!

Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the Fun. Copy and paste this into your tales, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then see what happens.

Kissed any one of your HP friends? Yes
Been arrested? No
Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes
Slept in until 5 PM? No
Fallen asleep at work/school? Yes
Held a snake? Yes
Ran a red light? No
Been suspended from school? No
Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? No
Been fired from a job? No
Sang karaoke? No
Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? No
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes
Kissed in the rain? Yes
Sang in the shower? Yes
Sat on a rooftop? Yes
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? Yes
Broken a bone? No
Shaved your head? No
Blacked out from drinking? Yes
Played a prank on someone? Yes
Felt like killing someone? Yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? No
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No
Been in a band? No
Shot a gun? No
Tripped on mushrooms? No
Donated Blood? No
Eaten alligator meat? No
Eaten cheesecake? Yes
Still love someone you shouldn't? No
Think about the future? Yes
Believe in love? Yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes

Unknown "Ðeşırė " Hurt - 16 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
So i've been sick for the past three days, I wasn't able to keep anything in my stomach tuesday or wednesday. I can no but my throat hurts way too much to swallow anything. So I'm living off water, which doesn't make me any stronger, because i can't even stand without getting dizzy. Blah.
Unknown "Ðeşırė " Hurt - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
I am in love with the most amazing boy ever. He makes me so happy that I don't know what to do with myself. I've never been this happy before.
Unknown "Ðeşırė " Hurt - 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
Life has generally been going good lately.
Besides the fact that I'm kinda slacking off in school..
But I'll pass.. I always do..
Ha ha Thought I'd share that with you.
Unknown "Ðeşırė " Hurt - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
So Cara is really tired, and I refuse to go to bed. Why you may ask? because it has yet to have reach the hours of 9 PM. I have a weird mind that if i go to bed that early I will think i'm young.. even though I kinda am but I'd think myself 5 ha ha.... I love the number 5, it's a great number!.... anywho yeah thats my little "tale"
Unknown "Ðeşırė " Hurt - 17 years, 15 days ago
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Miss Heather
I love you, dear one. Hope you can stay strong.
Miss Heather "♥Ðėąŧħ♥" Injured - 16 years, 23 days ago
Miss Heather

tHiNkiN' bOuT yOu You have been given tHiNkiN' bOuT yOu.
Crafted by WiTcHy WoMaN
Miss Heather "♥Ðėąŧħ♥" Injured - 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Miss Heather

You have been given a night together.
Crafted by Carol Young
Miss Heather "♥Ðėąŧħ♥" Injured - 16 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
Miss Heather
You have been given Jazz Hands!.
Crafted by The Psi
Miss Heather "♥Ðėąŧħ♥" Injured - 16 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
Miss Heather

You have been given ♥I Love You♥.
Crafted by Laura's Khan
Miss Heather "♥Ðėąŧħ♥" Injured - 16 years, 4 months, 5 days ago
Miss Heather dearest. You didn't have to do that. You are always so generous to me :D. I love you.
You have been given Surprise..I love you!.
Crafted by Unknown
Miss Heather "♥Ðėąŧħ♥" Injured - 16 years, 4 months, 8 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Beautiful Tragedies

Medication Time
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Medication Time
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1 use

250 pts
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I Miss You!
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250 pts
I Miss You!
Bought by 2 people
I Love You
1 use

250 pts
I Love You
Bought by 0 people
Bloody Rose
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150 pts
Bloody Rose
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The Taste Is Sensational
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150 pts
The Taste Is Sensational
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Suck on my lollipop
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Suck on my lollipop
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Tie Me Up & Do As You Please
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Tie Me Up &amp; Do As You Please
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Funny Faces
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150 pts
Funny Faces
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Little Nibble
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Little Nibble
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1 use

150 pts
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A Message From Above
1 use

150 pts
A Message From Above
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Suprise Kiss
1 use

150 pts
Suprise Kiss
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