Apocalypse Here But the end is near
And your love never touched
And your skin never mixed
against mine
In the border line
of our delirium.
This is our apocalypse
full of chaos
My body in ruins
And its near.
Is here
The last touch
warmed up my heart
and our last kiss
consumed my lips
I always see the same face
I always look the same bright
But what is hidden beside?
In the dark side of your heart?
But is there where the light
don't touch the sand
Its darker, and so unkind
Like the mix of our beats
And the heat our hands
It Make this love agonize
but tonight is clear
My choose wasn't wise
Now I don't know If I'm alive.
The last thing
I would love to have,
could be a piece
Of our last vals..
Breath from your mouth..
Inhale all your sigh,
Before the night
betray me and fall.
© 2007 All rights reserved.
No republication of this material in any form or medium,
without permission of the author.
Unknown "Dalitz" Growling
- 17 years, 28 days ago