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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 16538 points.


Unknown, 39/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:08 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 2 days ago
Location: Bend, OR United States

"Live life, Love life, Live life to Love!"
About me:
I'm a fun loving pet who likes to snuggle. Currently a student going to massage therapy school. I love helping others and being true to myself. My favorite things in life are: friends, family, laughter, silence, learning, reading, breathing the fresh mountain air, golfing, being active, drawing, kitties, music, singing along to music, dancing dancing dancing, ballroom dancing, sillyness, kisses, long heart-felt hugs, being beautiful for myself, seeing beauty in others, poetry, massaging, and passion. Oh and my heart belongs to the Pacific Ocean beachs. I'm a dancer, a lover, a friendly giver.
About you:
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Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Clan of the Tiger, ~¬»♥Thumbing pets!®♥«¬~, Jootopia

"Mr. Sarge"
101333 pts
"Busy Lizzy"
9908 pts
"Mrs. Seiders"
1103 pts

120 pts

"anna anna"
100 pts
Unknown's tales
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I am the no condom girl
Thats right, the lover of em all
The rest, condom girls
Knowing this makes me feel so special
The time we spent, I know must have been a lot of thrills
and the other girls, maybe just a little less
like a cheap fuck or
once or twice, and over again
knowing that that was my title in your head
makes me feel so special
unique and cared for like a bargain
Seeing you there, sitting oh so close
let me know that you do really adore
well not me, but all women, just the same dose
sitting closer than you would with I
buying her drinks that you never bought me
showing no shame or regret
I feel sorry for you
you must have been hurt so bad
so now you live without a heart
now you live life as one big fart
If i would have known I wouldn't have spent the times
pampering you, making you feel good
and giving you my energy for only dimes
I respect my body, and i respected yours
you tell me you only care about your own
so just fuck yourself then and leave the female population alone
keep us away from the harm that was done onto you
learn from your fucken mistakes
and instead of being a poor pussy affriad of love
take a chance, be a man, or go about this
and make sure another heart brakes
Unknown "Cicci" Frisky - 16 years, 3 months ago
This last Tuesday my boss lady calls me up needing to talk...with a bad feeling in my stomach I call her back and question upon what this talk will be about. She says that because they had to shut down one of their businesses and that she will have more time than she had expected while going to nursing school, that she will not beable to afford my monthly salarey any more. But she did say that she would want to pay me hourly wages for the times she won't beable to be there for her kids. I was fine with that and releived because she was one crazy lady that pretty much wanted a slave all to her self to be exactly her(the mother of her children) pretty crazy expectations she had for me. But i worked through all her crazyness and did the best i could do while managing on keeping her kids safe and sound and as happy as possible. And now that the kids respect me and am used to me, she chooses to let me go. I went on craigslist yesterday to look for a new job and what do i find?!?!?!?! An ad for a nanny from her. She was a complete lier, probably looking for someone to match her chaiotic crazy expectations and get paid less. so about two weeks about she wrote me a $1500 check that was late and included a $500 bonus for all my hard work and their apprieciation. But then a week ago she says that the check will probably bounce and if that does to tell her so she could write me a new one. When i get that check returned, she says that she won't beable to put that $500 bonus in which was understandable at the time because of their sudden difference in money. But the day she layed me off was my pay day where she should have been paying me another $500 for that week I had just worked. So I picked up my $1000 check from her house yesterday and found her 6 year old son coming from school trying to get into his house, mother not even their to recieve I let him in and find his big sis in the back room not being about to hear his many atempts at ringing the door bell. Once I'm inside the big sis Cassidy, comes out to talk to me and says that she got mad at her mom for firing me and that this is what she does to all her nannys (going through them so fast and using the same old lame line to get rid of them in a pleasant nontruthful way) so this is my vent!!! she owes me $1000, and I feel so very sorry for her poor kids!!!! Oh and i'm invited to the 6year olds birthday party tomorrow...and i have to go just for him and the kids because he would be hurt if I didn't go...but I'd rather not have to see his mom at all, what a bitch!!! so i'm kinda looking for an accross seas nanny live in position, maybe london or australia or some steller place!!! if and of you know of anything, holla!
Unknown "Cicci" Frisky - 16 years, 5 months, 11 days ago
Wow, so I'm slacking big time on my Tales. Sorry peeps! Anyways, a week ago on Friday, i go out dancing and choose to call my Russian friend. He answers the phone and I ask him if he is going to go out dancing. He says no, but tomorrow night he is...but....he lives in Hawaii now. WTF ? Long story short, I've been really sad about that, loss of appatite and all. Then to make matters worse, Saturday night I go out and after having a killer time with a few buddys of mine i decide to stay out after they all left and just have a little me time at my favorite Bar. This is when the tale gets too personal for me to lets just say I got hurt, hurt bad...thinking that there is no way i would beable to get over is true and time does heal wounds. I'm sure I've still got a few things to work out with all this, but i'm just waiting for the perfect person to talk to about it. Other than that my life is getting over stimulated suddenly, it's time for a time out!!! If i was going to go to school this next fall term I'd think about moving or something. Adious
Unknown "Cicci" Frisky - 16 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
I went out dancing tonight. First i went Ballroom dancing and learnt the samba...then out to the club to just get loose. I call my favorite guy to dance with hoping that he would he there. To my dismay he answered the phone and said he didn't live here anymore. I was shocked because i had just seen him on the 4th of July out dancing. He, just two days ago, had moved to Hawaii... I'm all for people going on and doing better and cooler things for themselves but... I F*CKING Love this mother f*cker!!!!! And it is heart shattering to find out that he has moved away...Although he will be moving back...and okay this might get you confused but he is the son of the kids that i nanny for other words, the kids that i nanny for grandfather is his moms sure i have a lasting tie in there with him...but he is f*cking gone...across the ocean, far far away. I've tired not to like him so much, tried to move on, but that just frustrated me more because with these guys, there was something missing. Last time i was him i told him i hated him...he asked why and i said, because i like to so much. see he had previously broken my heart, and i understood because he has some growing up to do..but we would still hang out and go dancing. He of course was always drinking, and me not...oh by the way i have had a couple of drinks tonight. back to the story...he kept on trying to kiss me while we were much as i love his kisses and him so much, i couldn't let him kiss me because he had demoted me to friend status...i'm affraid that by me not letting him use me whenever he just wanted whatever was what pushed him away...i have no idea...i just couldn't allow him to think it is okay to do that to me and still get me if he want me...if he fucking wants me, he is going to have to try f*cking harder than that...because i've put of the fight to let him know how i fell....okay i'm done with my rant....thanks for listening or i mean reading good night
Unknown "Cicci" Frisky - 16 years, 7 months, 22 days ago
I am sitting here drinking a Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat. Surpisingly amazing as f*ck!!!! It is like drinking a cherry coke, except for the fact that it is beer and better because i hate soda! I kind of had a rough day at work. I am a nanny for a new family, been with them for almost a week. there is a 12 year old girl who picks on her younger brothers, a 7 year old boy with aspergers, and a 5 yearold boy who is also craving attention and trying to make himself stand out from this overly dominent elder siblings. I beleive they are all sweet, but i'm having a hard time with the 12 year old girl. tonight the little 5 yearold was "acting" annoying while we were wathing a movie, and when i went out of the room to clean up some dishes, she totally smacked him. I don't beleive she did it hard, but it hurt his feelings a lot. and so i had to deal with that ordeal...and she wouldn't even say sorry. it is surprising me that it is those two giving me the hardest times, and not the special needs 8 yearold...he is seeming to be a lot easier and eager to please me. How do I get this girl to realize that being a bully isn't the right way for being a big sister? Be prepared to read more about this new endevour of mine...i'm sure i'll bring more interesting tales to focus!
Unknown "Cicci" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
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ello ello ello.....yep i'm still alive and kick'n lol how r ya
a Kiss for you♥ You have been given a Kiss for you♥.
Crafted by Ais Cheau
Unknown "Mr. Sarge" - 16 years, 20 days ago
Wrought Havoc
Nice Oregon Country Fair picture ;)
Wrought Havoc "evan" Intrigued - 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Thank you very much! :)
You have been given Thanks for shopping at my shop!!.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Ja " Xeпииии ! - 16 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
Please grant me a break!
You have been given ~ Time to Relax ~.
Crafted by bluebird
Unknown "Cicci" Frisky - 16 years, 3 months ago
I need to excape
You have been given a Walk Under the Cherry Trees.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Cicci" Frisky - 16 years, 3 months ago
And before that to recenter myself i believe I need this too
You have been given a Walk Through the Color Purple.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Cicci" Frisky - 16 years, 3 months ago
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Unknown's shop
The wide assortment

Almost anything and everything can be found here. From Hippies to cute kitties to a your mom joke. I hope you enjoy!!!

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A venus pose
1 use

200 pts
A venus pose
Bought by 11 people
Welcome to the family
1 use

200 pts
Welcome to the family
Bought by 4 people
You have been given rubber boots
1 use

200 pts
You have been given rubber boots
Bought by 17 people
Forever You'll be Mine
1 use

200 pts
Forever You'll be Mine
Bought by 3 people
Snuggle Time!!!
1 use

200 pts
Snuggle Time!!!
Bought by 11 people
Group Siesta
1 use

200 pts
Group Siesta
Bought by 2 people
A flower for you
1 use

200 pts
A flower for you
Bought by 7 people
Lets play rough!!!
1 use

300 pts
Lets play rough!!!
Bought by 11 people
Hold me Love me Kiss me
1 use

150 pts
Hold me Love me Kiss me
Bought by 4 people
A sweet embrace
1 use

150 pts
A sweet embrace
Bought by 12 people
A special rainy day
1 use

300 pts
A special rainy day
Bought by 9 people
looked after
1 use

200 pts
looked after
Bought by 14 people
You party animal!!!
1 use

150 pts
You party animal!!!
Bought by 7 people
a nap
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250 pts
a nap
Bought by 11 people
You have been pottie trained
1 use

200 pts
You have been pottie trained
Bought by 4 people
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