My Review for Bacon Dog Cart
It appears, as we turn the corner, like an apparition out of nowhere. I look to my friends...
Me: Is this it?
L: Yes. Yes it is!
Me: The famed "Bacon Dog Cart"? but I thought it was just a myth!
Apparently the Cart only appears at night to those who believe in it... and have quaffed a magical elixir called "All-Ko-Haul".
Lauren scoots in front of me to grab one of these delicious bacon-wrapped meat wands. I believe it took her only 2 bites to finish the poor thing off.
There's this nagging sensation I can't get rid of as I await my beautiful wiener to be slavered in condiment goodness.
Me: Lauren, aren't you Jewish?
L: *nods head* Yes 100%!
Me: I might not be a rabbi, but isn't that verboten?!?
L: I DON'T CARE! I HAD TO HAVE ONE! WANT MORE!!!!! *wild-eyed crazy eyes at my hot dog*
That's why it gets 5 stars. It's TRUE the Cart can make a JEW break a TABOO! (That rhyming FOO'? Why it's me, that's WHO!) I'm not religious, but that's some serious shit right? Doesn't she get thrown out of Valhalla or something like that?
EDIT: I've been informed that Valhalla isn't Jewish, I guess that must be the Christian one. The Judaic version is where after they cast the One Ring into the Crack of Doom and then sail off into the Undying Lands... right?
Unknown "Cunning Linguist" Cheeky
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago