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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 143325 points.

Has found the one!

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Nospamtopia, James spam
Herds: Jootopia, THE FARM, robyns retreat
Unknown's tales
The world seems empty and cruel
Only to you, the one who leaves this place
But in the end you will find the one you love
The world seems full and caring
Only to you, the one who found your love
After the end you will see what happens in the next life
The world seems gilded and corrupt
Only to you, the one who lasted through
Unknown "♥McLovin" Has found the one! - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
I think it is dumb that people don't take chances anymore. Everyone is worried about themselves and what is going to make them feel good at the moment. Now all of you will say "Isn't that what you are suppose to do, look out for numero uno?" Wrong life is more than just making your self feel good it is about helping people reach where you are at in life ( Hopefully you are pretty good in life). Along the way you will meet some one who will help you just like the others you helped before. It is a never ending chain. If you were brought up like me then you would believe only your self, and DTA (Don't Trust Anyone) and never try to help any one but your self. But if you did that, then when you are broke and can't do anything then who is going to help you when you don't help anyone else. That is why when we are young are parents help us. They try to make us better then they were, they push us so we could succed where they failed. But now don't go thinking just help your kids, your kids are one thing but there are a lot of people that have nothing to look forward to but death. We all need to make a stand for all human life and start heling our neighbors. Think about it you probly read this whole thing and you were probly like this guy is filled with bullshit! But think about if you were on earth all by your self could you survive with no ones help? If so then you sir/ma am are full of shit. We need each other and as soon as we start relizing this the better life will be for all.

Unknown "♥McLovin" Has found the one! - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
When it rains have you ever wondered if maybe the first drop has hit you? Well I have and when I do it like the best feeling ever, because if I did get hit by that first raindrop maybe I am lucky or special. Then I find some one that is more special to me then life it self, I feel that my time has come to shine through this storm of hate and treachery that I have been living in. I know this might sound weird to you but this is just how it is. I am not looking for compliments or pity it is just my time and it feels good.

Alot of people out there want to tear you down they are called parasites and they are everywhere. They look and observe you from far away and some times up close. They look far a weak spot in your fortress of security, and then they make there move acting like they know what is up and then tear you down. I have gone through alot of that and I still do now but I keep going, cause I knew that one day I would have the last laugh.

Point is everyone will have there time.


Unknown "♥McLovin" Has found the one! - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Shit I don't know what to call it, help me with a name .
Current mood: creative

Alright cigarrets they cause cancer right then you would probably say what doesn't give you cancer now a days.

Well Believing in God dosen't, Here me out before you stop reading!!!! The whole thing about believing in some thing higher than yourself to over come stuff like cancer is a load. All you need is the will power and self-determination and you by keeping yourself healthy. If you smoke or not you still have the same chance to get cancer. Because like it or not breathing our air in, sitting the wrong way, watching T.V./Computer, and drinking soda will give you cancer.

My point is do what you want, we will all die sometime. And if by some chance we discover how to stay alive forever I will still want to die. Because this world is fucked up.

But what I said at the beginning about cigarrets they are bad, but I smoke them so I will not tell you not smoke them, but that is not what I am trying to do. I just want you all to know how I think.


Unknown "♥McLovin" Has found the one! - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
The other day I was driving through town and was sitting at a red light and suddenly I look to the left and there is a Yukon sitting there with 5 amazingly hott girls in it. Anyways they were all like looking over at me, like you know the look "look at him he is hott" look, and I had four other buddies in the car with me. So all I thought about doing was to see if I could get a number or two for myself. Then the light turned green so I follow them, they pull over at a gas station so I did the same, we all got out of our cars and long story short we all got a girl's number, it was hella crazy. So now I got a a number on my fridge and dont know if I should call it ha ha ha. But yeah like I have never heard of that shit actually happining in real life So I thought it would be interesting to put up here cause I thought it was pretty sweet my self.
Unknown "♥McLovin" Has found the one! - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago

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Mrs Grimes

You have been given .::Never Let Go::..
Crafted by KenNay the lil jaLapEno
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
Mrs Grimes
Oh James .......Oh sad i feel you are leaving even though i didnt see you every are my crunker never ever forget that......on your 21st.....remember some British chick saw something great and enlivening in she spammed you with stuff!!!!!.......x
Oh James i see reflections of my own feelings in your words being swallowed in a quest for attention........x
I will stay in touch.x
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
Everyone If you know me on a good level which means we have at least five conversations out of joots please contact me at one of these. I am deleting my humanpets, facebook accounts I need to start being true to my self I am not a computer person. I have been in a depressed mood lately and because I don't need to be on here I am just using this stuff as a attention thing I am taking my leave. But I do actually have some good friends I have made here I hope to talk to you again. So yeah...

xfacedx = aim
Unknown "♥McLovin" Has found the one! - 16 years, 5 months, 5 days ago
Hehehe...thx for your comments you made my day :)
Unknown "Kelly™" Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 13 days ago

You have been given My owner ROCKS!.
Crafted by Jen
Unknown "Kelly™" Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 13 days ago

You have been given Big bear hugs.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Kelly™" Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 13 days ago
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Unknown's shop
James Kickass Band Shop

I got bands
Chances are I am not gonna have the band you are looking for, if that is so then send me a message and I will have them playing for you in no time.

System of a down concert
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800 pts
System of a down concert
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Godsmack concert
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700 pts
Godsmack concert
Bought by 15 people
Bullet for my Valentine Concert
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1100 pts
Bullet for my Valentine Concert
Bought by 12 people
Slipknot concert
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1100 pts
Slipknot concert
Bought by 12 people
Seether concert
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600 pts
Seether concert
Bought by 9 people
A Rock out with Me!!!!
1 use

1100 pts
A Rock out with Me!!!!
Bought by 10 people
Mudvayne concert
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600 pts
Mudvayne concert
Bought by 6 people
Rammstein Concert
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600 pts
Rammstein Concert
Bought by 9 people
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1100 pts
Bought by 7 people
Creature Feature Concert
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1100 pts
Creature Feature Concert
Bought by 4 people
Flogging molly concert
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600 pts
Flogging molly concert
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Mushroomhead concert
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600 pts
Mushroomhead concert
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Puddle of mudd concert
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600 pts
Puddle of mudd concert
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600 pts
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Glowing sweat
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900 pts
Glowing sweat
Bought by 2 people

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