So, I suppose it's been a little while since I wrote my last tale and decided that it was time to put up a new tale. This time of joy ane euphoria rather than saddening... Sadness ^^;; rightio! Anyway! That way then. But I will go this way instead~! People may or may not know right now, but I am in a relationship! Which is really awesome! I found the most amazingest guy ever (no telling him I said that) and we finally got together last week onThursday! I know I should have posted this last week... But I kinda forgot about this application, hehehe. Because I feel like typing right now, I'm gonna do a bit of story telling. We met during the end of last summer through a common friend of ours. Boy, does she regret it more and more every passing day, heh. Anyways, it was pretty much love at first sight. The first thing he did when he met me was ask for a piggy-back ride and pounced on my back! Then as we were walking like this with a few friends, someone asked something or said something and we responded with the same word in the same tone of voice at the same time. After that it was only a matter of waiting. As we got to get to know each other more and more, I mentioned that I did in fact have feelings for him. He responded at the time that he did as well, but there were complications. I then somehow found myself in a love septagon (everybody knew each other, but didn't really know that the others were in the septagon) that left me slightly heartbroken. For the rest of December I withdrew into myself to recover and try to get over my feelings for him. Then January rolled around and I was feeling much better. I was talking with everyone again and everybody was happy... Ish. Then came the week where he came by for a week. I had only the intention of hanging out with him as a friend. Tuesday. We hung out, played some games, and went to karaoke. Wednesday, I gave him an awesome 'dogtag' and we practically cuddled the entire day. Wednesday night and Thursday morning, walking our friends with rotted teeth home we finally got to my front porch where we finally got together and became boyfriends. I was super happy. But he's back at school and I can't see him everyday in person. But that's all right because I want to try and go see him during Feb break. Also, I was wondering this slightly because it's the only reason that I added this application. I am a furry. If you don't know what the hack I'm talking about, no worries. If you do... I dunno, I'm just wondering is all, hahaha! Till next time~! Ja ne!
Unknown "Pup" Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Haha! Now you must all fear me! I have a new way to spout my randomness and you must now listen! Well, I'm not gonna force you to listen of course, but if you have nothing better to do, you might as well read this! So, fist on my agenda is complain about exams. Hey! Don't give me that look! Talk to just about any of your university friends and they'll probably complain about the same thing. Unless they're some form of freak that happens to do well in exams. No offense to the people who study and are completely ready for every exam that they have of course. My last Exam is tomorrow, then it's time to relax~! Then after a couple weeks it's back to classes! Then I can complain again! But ne'er mind, eh? Other than exams... I have to get back to writing again (^^;;). Seriously, I think I might have hit a bit of a wall thanks to exams. If you don't know what the bloody heck I'm talking about then you should have a looksee at this: ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/joudan/ ). That's where I post all my poems and stories. Also, every Week, I try to post up a weekly random update. But that's enough for now, I have an exam I must study for! Ja ne to all and have a happy holidays~! ^w^ -Joudan
Unknown "Pup" Sparkling
- 17 years, 2 months, 26 days ago