LOVE IT Unknown" Beach Godess "Playful
- 16 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
Central reservation.. (era algo diferente en mi cabeza...)
Running down a central reservation in last night's red dress, And I can still smell you on my fingers and taste you on my breath; Stepping through brilliant shades, All the color you bring, This time, this time, this time, Is whatever I want it to mean.
If this is where memories are made, I'm gonna like what I see, And everything that I ever took for granted, I'm gonna let it be.
I step through every shade, All the color you bring, This time, this time, this time, Is whatever I want it to mean.
And everything and nothing is as sacred as we'd want it to be, When it's really all, Make it really all, Compared to what.
It's like living in the middle of the ocean, With no future, no past, And everything that's good about now, Well, might just glide right past.
I'm stepping through brilliant shades, All the color you bring, This time, this time, this time, Is fine just as it is.
And everything is sacred here, And nothing is as sacred as I want it to be, When it's really all compared to what.
Unknown" Beach Godess "Playful
- 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
1234 by Feist.. one, two, three, four.. tell me..
Unknown" Beach Godess "Playful
- 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
by Cortazar
"Yo creo que desde muy pequeño mi desdicha y mi dicha al mismo tiempo fue el no aceptar las cosas como dadas. A mí no me bastaba con que me dijeran que eso era una mesa, o que la palabra "madre" era la palabra "madre" y ahí se acaba todo. Al contrario, en el objeto mesa y en la palabra madre empezaba para mi un itinerario misterioso que a veces llegaba a franquear y en el que a veces me estrellaba" "En suma, desde pequeño, mi relación con las palabras, con la escritura, no se diferencia de mi relación con el mundo en general. Yo parezco haber nacido para no aceptar las co- sas tal como me son dadas."
Unknown" Beach Godess "Playful
- 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago