this little piggy didn't go to the market.. this little piggy woke up in the middle of the night and felt sooo very tired.. who invented ice hockey? i for sure didn't!! and who was the one who said:"wouldn't it be nice, if all the countries could play once a year together so we could all wake up to watch!!" no! don't think i'm awake to see this, but i find my self in the middle of a group of people who are.. and so i can't bare to go bed (don't really know why, but still, i'm surely awake..)
well, attleast i've got the energy and time to write my first tale here, so maybe it's still a good thing that i'm up for no good reason..
next time i'll write you a real piggy storry, about the real piggy things, wich has nothing to do with hockey or boredom or anything to do with sports (we piggys don't do sports!!)
see you then, ay?
good night, sleep tight, don't let the bugger bite.. ;)
Unknown "Boink"
- 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago