I lie under a shady willow reading a novel. Just enjoying life and the peaceful times when I get an urge to explore the botanical gardens. I wonder through the flower beds and marvel at their beauty when I hear a scream coming from the hedgerow maze. I thought to myself, that doesn't sound very woman like, some guy must have tripped. A few minutes pass and I hear another scream, and another, all low gutteral screams far too low to be a woman's. I then think there must be some competition going on. Asking around I find out that a fair maiden has been trapped in a tower by her father and all the screams were of people trying to navigate the green labyrinth to save her.
Appauled that someone can lock their daughter away rather than letting her spread her wings and fly free I thought I'd try and be heroic and try my luck. Who knows maybe I'll get lucky. Navigating the labyrinth wasn't a mean feat. There were traps and pitfalls and razor blades that make the traps in the Indiana Jones movies look like a walk in the park. In theory this was a walk in the park.... but with traps that can cleave a bear in twain.
I scale the side of the tower to try and reach the maiden's room. I reach out to grab onto the balcony to haul myself up, but I didn't notice the flying axe. Just before it impacted on my arm with a thud, I woke up again underneath the shady willow. I picked up the novel I'd been reading and set it to one side and give my fair maiden a kiss on the cheek as she lay asleep beside me.
(A dream that I had and modified slightly. I'm not very good with words usually but thought I'd get some practice in. Enjoy ^_^)
Unknown "amys property :)" Tired
- 17 years, 8 days ago