There was a turtle that was recently born on the beach of Valauty Island. The turtle was very special. It had a checkered shell of blue and green, it had azure eyes and it had a whip like tail. The night he was born was a clear night of a full moon. Once born the turtle raced to the open see towards the moon. However there was a salamander in his way. The salamander had fiery eyes, red and yellow stripes and it breath out fire. The turtle was terrified so he hid in his special shell. suddenly the salamander jumped at the shell, stomped and breathed fire at it, but the shell was special and reflected all attacks back at the salamander with double the force and power. Cowardly, the salamander fled. Then the turtle came out of the shell and went to the ocean. When he began to swim in the ocean, he told himself that he was going to use his protective shell for the good of the sea. 20 years later, he was famed all over the sea, however not because he was a hero or a great protector but as a thief. He stole rich people's shell money and pebbles then gave them to the poor. From then on he was known as the Thief-a-Turtle.
The End
- 17 years, 3 months ago