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Herds: Boricua Pets, † Christian In Human Pets †, Thumbs United

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Unknown's tales
Cielo azul fucionado en nubes blanqueadas
resignado por la luces de esperanzas
que en tu vida llevas entrelasadas.

De esa manera se ve la nobleza,
la incomparable figura que de ninguna
manera deja espacio a la tristeza.

Hoy el pueblo recuerda aquel dia que
llenaste al mundo con una vida emocionada
y aprovecho con el para anuciarle
que con este poema queda usted felicitada

Unknown "pikle" Sparkling - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
ok this is not that short, but its a poem i really like

you are who you are for a reason
you're part of an intricate plan
you're a precious and perfect unique design,
called God's special woman or man

you look like you look for a reason
our God made no mistake
He knit you together withing the womb
you're just what he wanted to make

the parents you had were the ones he chose
and no matter how you may feel
they were custom-designed with God's plan in mind
and they bear the Master's seal

no, that trauma you faced was not easy
and God wept that it hurt you so
bit it was allowed to shape your heart
so that into his likeness you'd grow

your are who you are for a reason
you've been formed by the Master's rod
you are who you are, beloved,
because there is a God!

-Russell Kelfer
Unknown "pikle" Sparkling - 17 years, 3 days ago
"You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how i was made, bit by bit, how i was sculpted from nothing to something"
-The Bible
Unknown "pikle" Sparkling - 17 years, 3 days ago
saturday's secret adventure.
dont ever lend your car to larisa and me!
leilani [our dance leader] agreed on lending me and larisa her car to go to mcdonalds. [bad idea,larisa and me are intolerable when we are together] change of plans! instead of going directly to mcdonals, larisa wantedto visit a friend of hers. ok shes driving so w.e. we drove all the way to his house. super fast,cojimos hoyos, no paramos para los muertos, basically its a miracle we didnt crash. we got to his house and the inside was filled wit porcelain dolls...yes very creepy, they stare at u and its extremely disturbing. ok we decide that we should get the food, so we are on our way to macdonalds and the lady decides to drive slow in front of us. isnt it horrible when you are in a hurry and people suddenly decide to drive slow? yes we were about to kill her [like achmed...we kill you....inside joke] ok we finally get to mcdonalds and we had 2 orders. the first one was written down by leilani so we ordered it fast. when it was our orders turn, we didnt know what to get. and for some reason, we just started laughing and couldnt stop. when we finally decided what we wanted we couldnt speak because we were laughing so hard.when we finally said the order, we went to pay ad the stupid gay guy that reached out to get our money dropped it so the 10 dollar bill went flying on the street. thank God there was a man there and gave it back to that stupid idiot. we got our food and came back to church, the sunday was melting and we had to come back fast so our leader wouldnt suspect anything. on our way a guy was in front of us and was so slow, and looking to all directions except the street. it was horrible! when he finally went another direction, we went even faster and yes, we got all the holes on the street. but we got here on time and nobody knows what happened. and yes, we almost crashed like what? 5 times? oh yeah, that was at 12 and its 4 and we r still in church...doing nothing!!! [literlly] well we are watching achmed the dead terrorist in youtube.
dont ever lend us ur car...unless u want it to be gone forever.
but hey, she is a good driver but dont put her driving with me next to her...thats a whole different story
Unknown "pikle" Sparkling - 17 years, 11 days ago

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q tu te crees robandote a mi comadre
Unknown "Comadre" Serene - 16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago

You were taken on a trip! You have partied in Moscow.
Unknown "Comadre" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
en la American Military Academy

y u??
Unknown "Mine" Nervous - 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago

You have been given a home.
Unknown "Comadre" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
you're not gonna know me anymore
i cut my hair
and...i'm kind can i tell you...
it's gonna hurt you.......
....ufffff......i should just said out loud
Unknown "Comadre" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
Cerca del mall de Santa Rosa.
Unknown "JaY" Wild - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
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