"My Bestie!"Ferocious
- 17 years, 15 days ago
You never get on here. =[ That makes me sad.
"My Bestie!"Ferocious
- 17 years, 15 days ago
It's not a personal thing. Me and Alex just like to battle over people. We fight over you, Shelley, Samantha, and some good looking guy that we don't even know. lol.
"Busy Little Bee!"Wild
- 17 years, 24 days ago
Daaaaaaaaannn-eeeeee! What's up? Hey you should join one of the herds I'm in. It's called "Rachell's Corn Emporium." It will help you get more thumbs, plus you can read silly jokes if you are bored! Just go to my page and look at the herds I've joined under the about me section. It would be much appreciated! Thanks!
"My Bestie!"Ferocious
- 17 years, 26 days ago
My Minkus!
"My Bestie!"Ferocious
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Alex doesn't own you any more. Now I do. hehe.
"Busy Little Bee!"Wild
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago