hahahahaha well i am in agreement with ly, you might want to rethink that pic, no one can see your face. Also i dont know what she is talking about in regards to me hahahha
"bait you" lol omg theres that pena chram. dude just so we are clear joey is pretty much the sinatra of LA. this dude has charm from pleaces you would have never guessed. and miss julie you dont even have a horn! if your a unicorn you need to get a new pic! silly rabbit. and also just so we are clear joey is SO not as loaded as i am. im the sparkle of LA i got MONEY in place you would have never guessed! lol your mine again!
"loud ass chick"Sparkling
- 17 years, 23 days ago
hell yeah, she thinks that i am going to lose she is wrong. no one can really own a unicorn, they cant be caught, so i guess i will have to bait you. lol