Why wait?
Because although we want to be decisive,
we do not want to be impulsive.
Although we want to be swift,
we do not want to be hasty.
Although we want to hold on the one we love,
we do not want to lose ourselves in the process.
If we want to ran, we must first learn to walk.
If we want to swim, we must first learn to float.
If we want to make love, we must first learn to love.
In the end, it is still best to wait for the one we want.
rather than sattle for the one that is available.
It is still best to wait for the one you love,
rather than sattle for the one who is around.
It is still best to wait for the right person.
Because Life is too short to waste on the wrong one.
Because waiting serves a purpose.
Noble and mysterious, you have to know
that flowers do not bloom overnight.
Rome was not built in a day.
A life grows in the womb for nine months.
Great love grows steadily over a lifetime.
Most good things in life take a long time.
And they are all worth waiting for.
These, despite the fact, that although waiting
requires a lot of things -- faith, courage, and hope --
wating quarantees nothing one cannot imagine.
After all, God in all his wisdom, ask us to wait,
for no essentail reason.
Unknown "victim" Adored
- 16 years, 3 months, 29 days ago