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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown's tales
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Man I am having a hell of a day, I feel like I am going through a midlife crisis and I'm only 21 O.o! ah well thus is life I guess but anyway. Looks like I am looking for a new pet again it seems. I also have a hell of alot of work to do with school, got a art show at the gallery to organize and advertise for, should be an interesting coiuple of months ahead.
Unknown "Dai" Lonely - 16 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
Well looks like I missed you guys because now that the mess of finals have finally settled down I can start being social again lol. So for the present time, I am back and looking for some old and new friends, beware the dark prince is stalking yet again lol.
Unknown "Dai" Lonely - 16 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
Well it comes again it seems that I feel it may be better that I disappear from the community again, I have never been one to stay in one place too long in the digital universe. I have commitments to see to in other locations as well as offline being an artist and a student is rather time consuming. I will try to make a point of posting when I do make the final decision but if I just suddenly cease to be, I thank you all for your companionship and I am sure I will be around again someday though it may be a year or two.
Unknown "Dai" Lonely - 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
alright, here is a quick note to those that decide to IM me , A) if you ask for help at least be aware of what you talk about B) for bloody sakes read my profile properly and don't make asumptions about me, for instance don't assume I'm pegan though on the other hand know what the hell pegan means -_-;;. Pegan does not automatically mean wiccan. I have nothing against them just making that distinction for the people IMing me and end up putting their foot in their mouths. C) I do try to help those in need but understand if you are ignorant, rude, so forth, ,you will piss me off and get nothing. That about sums up my current rant after a little run in with a member. Back to my paintings.
Unknown "Dai" Lonely - 16 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
I find it rather amusing how quickly my value has jumped from 30k to 150k lol so as to warn any owners out to get me, you have quite the war on your hands to keep me *snickers* and even harder time controling as to I am the one who preferrs to hold the leash, leave it to my dominating nature *grins devilishly*
Unknown "Dai" Lonely - 16 years, 3 months, 29 days ago
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GlowFaerie Josie

Charmed by Wolf Faerie Princess You have been given Charmed by Wolf Faerie Princess.
Crafted by Matt
GlowFaerie Josie "D's wife" *trying to stay optimistic* - 16 years, 7 days ago
oh dear!
1 Damn Good reason girls go gay You have been given 1 Damn Good reason girls go gay.
Crafted by Vonny Rawwrrrr
kandee "Havoc" you shot who in the what now? - 16 years, 21 days ago

happy valentines day :) You have been given happy valentines day :).
Crafted by Unknown
kandee "Havoc" you shot who in the what now? - 16 years, 22 days ago

Thanks you!

Happy Valentines ♥ You have been given Happy Valentines ♥.
Crafted by Heart4JESUS
Heart4JESUS Calm - 16 years, 22 days ago

I Surrender Myself To you You have been given I Surrender Myself To you.
Crafted by Mistress Cheerleader Slayer
Siren Tired - 16 years, 22 days ago

Happy valentines day ღ You have been given Happy valentines day ღ.
Crafted by Debbie
Siren Tired - 16 years, 22 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Ebony Gates Design Shop

A few things pulled from the death and darkness. Enjoy -_^ (all images created by me check my tales for details)

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Ebony Gates Donation Fund
1 use

5000 pts
Ebony Gates Donation Fund
Bought by 0 people
I've had my eye on you
1 use

200 pts
I've had my eye on you
Bought by 3 people
Be reborn from my flesh
1 use

200 pts
Be reborn from my flesh
Bought by 6 people
Helping Hand
1 use

200 pts
Helping Hand
Bought by 8 people
A look to my true spirit
1 use

200 pts
A look to my true spirit
Bought by 3 people
A night of spiritual ascension
1 use

200 pts
A night of spiritual ascension
Bought by 19 people
A devil of your own
1 use

200 pts
A devil of your own
Bought by 2 people
Heart of Ash
1 use

200 pts
Heart of Ash
Bought by 2 people
A gift of tender flesh
1 use

200 pts
A gift of tender flesh
Bought by 18 people
My Darkest Angel
1 use

200 pts
My Darkest Angel
Bought by 9 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 1 people
A trip to the birth of the world
1 use

200 pts
A trip to the birth of the world
Bought by 2 people
Dark angel to watch over you
1 use

200 pts
Dark angel to watch over you
Bought by 3 people
Festering wound
1 use

200 pts
Festering wound
Bought by 3 people
Unlock my heart
1 use

200 pts
Unlock my heart
Bought by 6 people
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