Sometimes dreaming is so much more fun than being awake cause you get to see your own produced movie, and don't even have to be creative!! That is why I've spent all day slipping in and out of consciousness...dreaming, to get away from my conscious mind...what a waste of a day, but then its better than thinking about crap
Unknown "Indie Author" Hopeless
- 17 years, 11 days ago
I have drunk a whole litre of energy drink in 4 hours without even realising it!!! I'm slightly worried cause thats a hell of a lot of caffeine... the bottle says 30mg/100ml... so that means I've got 300mg of pure caffeine running through my blood stream and its eleven o'clock at night!!...whose's betting that I don't sleep tonight!!!
Unknown "Indie Author" Hopeless
- 17 years, 24 days ago
My addiction for finding things to do other than my work, is getting quite bad...I even prefer cleaning to sitting at my desk to write. Even when i'm at my desk, Freecell, spider, facebook, and human pets seem so much more appealing!! I love distractions...
Unknown "Indie Author" Hopeless
- 17 years, 24 days ago
Strawberries are in season, which is the best reason for me to do some merry berry strawberry eatin!! p.s I know its terrible!! but I've been told to start adding some tales... so this is my first pathetic attempt!
Unknown "Indie Author" Hopeless
- 17 years, 25 days ago