I had a wicked dream last night.
I think I have been watching too much House MD lately. I dreamed that I worked in a hospital apparently, and someone busted into our operating room and took an important organ we were transplanting and ran off with it. So I ran off after him and we got into an epic fist fight (Think Family guy Peter vs Chicken kind of epic).
In the end I got the kidney or liver or whatever it was back (haha in the dream it was bright blue. Im preeeettty sure we dont have any electric blue parts...) and we were able to save the day. Somehow I dont think that an organ would survive a fistfight in a guys pocket then still be transplanted into someone...
but either way, I totally saved the day
and got to curb a guy
all before breakfast.
yay for me.
- 17 years, 29 days ago