Last night I helped form an adventuring party to explore a creepy spot I found on campus. Scooter, Canada, and I first checked out the third floor of Olivier Hall. Fucking creepy room up there with people's silhouettes painted on the walls. Every figure had a name written in it, but all but four were so sun-faded as to be nearly illegible. Those four were perfect, though. The whole time I was up there, my hackles were up and my back was crawling. Definite activity site, especially when in conjunction with Scooter reporting the same feeling and a reported encounter that two of our friends had at that same room just a few weeks prior. There were also a large number of spirals very purposefully scrawled on the windows in a circular pattern. I'll be returning there later for further investigation.
Anyway, after that, we dropped by my dorm for flashlights, impromptu weapons, and Bobby. We had a pretty ragtag party: two bards, a druid, and a barbarian/sorcerer. We probably looked slightly odd, what with the bokken, lead-filled baton, lantern flashlight, bell, and athame. Say what you want, but we were fucking prepared for
anything. Crackhead? Prepared. Ghost? Prepared. Vampire? Prepared enough to run like fuck. Imbued werewolf wielding a Cleaved +1 vampire crackhead? Prepa- okay, we'd all die. But it'd be awesome. Etcetera.
Anyway, we headed to the spot I found earlier. Turned out to be an abandoned kitchen from when the building had been the cafeteria, now in use to store a fuckton of broken, rusting bicycles. We had a bit of a scare when a boiler pressure release went off just as Canada opened a door, and later when it went off again, but after about thirty seconds in the dark with no death or University Police showing up, we figured we were in the clear. We did, however, find a mail drawer WAY in the back that none of us could open. Bit curious about it. We're going to go back soon to take pictures and see if we can use a screwdriver to pry the drawer open.
All in all, productive night.
Unknown "Sugar Bear" Rabid
- 17 years, 10 days ago