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Brian Lee | - Free online hangout and friends
NirvInch owns this human at 330750 points.

I has boner pants for you ;)

Brian Lee
"Le'Sexy Boner"

Brian Lee
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

About me:
About you:
Looking for:
Herds (lead): Boner Fan Club
Herds: Nice Room Herd, Cute Butt, Madi's HP Family, I love Jess S., We miss Michal, Neda's Fan Herd, The Underwear Party, Best Chests!
Brian's tales
Brian Lee
fLOUffy:you have a boner
fLOUffy:in your face
McBonerFace:my face
McBonerFace:is a boner
fLOUffy:oh god
fLOUffy:mine too
McBonerFace:your face is a boner?
fLOUffy:it gives you a boner
fLOUffy:haha :D
fLOUffy::D hahaha
McBonerFace:your face
fLOUffy:im so funny 8_
McBonerFace:gives my face a boner
fLOUffy:copy that
fLOUffy:and tale it
fLOUffy:i want to see how hilarious it wasnt tomorrow

Brian Lee "Le'Sexy Boner" I has boner pants for you ;) - 14 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
Brian Lee
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Loaner Boner: hi?
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Sultry: eow
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Loaner Boner: hi?
Sultry: doing?
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Loaner Boner: doing?
Sultry: chating some friends
Loaner Boner: ok?
Loaner Boner: dick?
Sultry: cool
Sultry: do u have yahoo?
Loaner Boner: yup
Loaner Boner: its
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Loaner Boner:
Sultry: add me
Loaner Boner: wait
Loaner Boner: add me
Loaner Boner: at
Loaner Boner:
Loaner Boner: yes
Loaner Boner: suck my cock?
Sultry: ok
Loaner Boner: SUCK MY FOCK?
Loaner Boner: FOCK MY SOCK?
Loaner Boner: LICK MY DICK
Sultry: eror your yahoo?
Sultry: eror your yahoo
Loaner Boner: eror?
Sultry: add me
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Loaner Boner: add me
Sultry: *** You've been KISSED! ***
Loaner Boner: Im not interested in cam girls
Loaner Boner: so please go fist your slimey cunt
Sultry: im not cam girl
Sultry: shet
Sultry: what the hek
Loaner Boner: yes
Loaner Boner: you are
Sultry: fucking bolshet
Loaner Boner: and youre a bad liar
*** Sultry is away from their computer
*** Sultry's IC window is closed
Brian Lee "Le'Sexy Boner" I has boner pants for you ;) - 15 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
Brian Lee

Brian Lee "Le'Sexy Boner" I has boner pants for you ;) - 16 years, 3 months, 2 days ago

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Melissa Carson

You disappointed me You have been given You disappointed me.
Crafted by Unknown
Melissa Carson "Petted Babe" MY OWNER SWALLOWS... - 11 years, 1 day ago
Melissa Carson
You pet me, you pet me!! I didnt see that before!! Oh gosh I am so happy now.
You Always Make Me Smile You have been given You Always Make Me Smile.
Crafted by Desce
Melissa Carson "Petted Babe" MY OWNER SWALLOWS... - 11 years, 4 days ago
Melissa Carson
Is it something I did? I don't know what is happening I thought you and I were going to be a Human Pets Friendship success story. I was going to write a tale about it and everything!
Why Dont You Talk To Me Anymore? You have been given Why Dont You Talk To Me Anymore?.
Crafted by Ian Dickson
Melissa Carson "Petted Babe" MY OWNER SWALLOWS... - 11 years, 4 days ago
Melissa Carson
So I am back, I see you visited me, you didnt comment. Didnt you want to maybe see if we can meet for coffee at some point. Isnt that what friends do? We are going to be such awesome friends, I can tell by the kindness in your eyes that you are a friend for life.
we're so cute together You have been given we're so cute together.
Crafted by -N-
Melissa Carson "Petted Babe" MY OWNER SWALLOWS... - 11 years, 6 days ago
Just D
Damn just noticed you haven't been here a while! Maybe you should remedy that ;)
Just D "Delicious" Curious - 11 years, 11 days ago
Just D
Morning, thanks for peeping by ;)
Hope you're having a fab week
Just D "Delicious" Curious - 11 years, 11 days ago
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Brian's shop
Awesome Fun Time Adventure

Shop till you drop...then I'll rifle through your wallet :O

Won't you come play with me?!?!
1 use

200 pts
Won't you come play with me?!?!
Bought by 3 people
Your it to me!
1 use

400 pts
Your it to me!
Bought by 5 people
Donation to an Awesome Dude.
1 use

5000 pts
Donation to an Awesome Dude.
Bought by 12 people
A Good time
1 use

200 pts
A Good time
Bought by 24 people
Let's get our dance on, friend.
1 use

200 pts
Let's get our dance on, friend.
Bought by 26 people
Yarrrrr I be looking for booty.
1 use

200 pts
Yarrrrr I be looking for booty.
Bought by 44 people
I'm so totally lost right now.
1 use

200 pts
I'm so totally lost right now.
Bought by 34 people
I'm watching you poop.
1 use

200 pts
I'm watching you poop.
Bought by 26 people
Oh the irony!
1 use

200 pts
Oh the irony!
Bought by 33 people
All your base are belong to me.
1 use

350 pts
All your base are belong to me.
Bought by 12 people
Man, you're cheesy.
1 use

350 pts
Man, you're cheesy.
Bought by 23 people

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