This tale is entitled..."My Weekend: Thus Far"
So this tale begins at about 7pm Friday night. Amanda, Johann, Olivia, and I decided we were gonna go cosmic bowling in Montgomery. We were gonna go to Bama Lanes since it was all-you-can-bowl for $15...including shoes. We begin pre-gaming at about 8:30pm...I was drinking Crown and Dr. pepper...Amanda had Bud Light...and Johann had some whiskey and Diet Coke. We leave Troy around 10:00ish and head to Montgomery. We get to Bama Lanes around 11:30 and begin bowling. We bowled about three games and then left for Troy. We got back to Troy around 3:00-3:15. We chilled at Amanda and Olivia's for a while, and I decide to head home. I ask everyone about tomorrow night...and Johann said he would be back home and Amanda said to call her after 6pm. I bid everyone a goodnight and left.
I got up sometime between 11:30 and 12:15 yesterday. Me and three other buds..Chris, Kenny, and Matt...go eat lunch at Arbys. After lunch, Chris and I head to GameStop where I buy some XBox Live points. We head to my apartment...and I buy two song packs for GH3 and a Villian/Hero Pack for Marvel: UA. Chris goes back to his place for a bit while I start my song playing. Chris comes back over around 3:30 and we take turns trying to top each other on GH3. My friend Tommy calls me around 6pm and asks if I could ride with him to get some drinks. I agree and we go get some.
I return home around 6:15 and by then, Chris has to go. So, I continue my playing of GH when I remember that Amanda said to call them after 6pm to see what they are doing. Well, since Amanda has no cell, I try her roomie Olivia. The call goes straight to voicemail. Hmm...I think. Maybe she is on Windows Messenger. Since she likes to go invisible a lot, I send a reply...I send another one...still no reply. Hmm...I think again. I grab my cell phone and call Johann...seeing if he is in Troy...and no answer from him.
Well, I keep trying to get in touch with them until around 8pm. I finally decided that they went off to do something and I wasn't gonna be hanging out with them that night. Oh well. I go to get some dinner at Zaxbys around 8:30 and call my friend Matt. Turns out he is with Karl who dislocated his knee. I go visit them. Around 9:30..while at Karl's...I get a call from an unknown number...It was Amanda's boyfriend Chang-hun. I talk to him..tell him I don't know where Amanda is...and then hang up. Well, 10 mins later..another unknown number...Chang-hun again. He asks for Johann's number...and for a moment, I considered giving it to him..but decided not to.
Well...between 10:00 and 11:15...Chang-hun calls me 8 more times...which I do not answer. I finally go to bed around 2:00am. Sunday is here...and I get up around 11:30. I check to see if I have any messages on Human Pets or Windows Messenger...nothing. I go to Wal-Mart to buy food for tonight...and Chang-hun calls me again. I do not answer. Between 12:30 and 1:15...Chang-hun calls me 3 times...then calls me three more times between 1:30 and 2:15. Needless to now...I am very annoyed at many things...but at least tonight may be more fun...
Unknown "Rudy : ]" Ecstatic
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago