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Cheryl Lee
Cheryl Lee

Cheryl Lee, 37/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:17 PM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
Location: Oklahoma City United States

About me:
I love and miss my family. I only have a few close friends, but I would die for them. "By now, college and the internet have probably coated your brain in a rich layer of postmodern pseudo-irony that will forever protect it from taking anything seriously or ever knowing true love..."
About you:
My love is far away now. and he took my heart with him. He'll have it for a while. until then more than friendly hugs and kisses won't be tolerated, okay?
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): BIG BANG Fan Herd
Herds: DBSK/TVXQ LUVERS, World of Music (music sharing), Daniel Henney Rocks My..., Jdrama Fandom, J-rock/Visual-Kei, Se7en Deadly Sins
Cheryl's tales
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Cheryl Lee
I haven't been on HP much since finals. Since then I went snowboarding in Colorado. Here are some pictures!!
1. Justin and the snow is so high!
2. We went sledding!
3. The snowboard that I rented!
4. At the top of the mountain.
5. Me and my travel buddies.
My friend, Natalie, with the Rocky Mountains behind her!
Cheryl Lee Cheryl Lee Cheryl Lee Cheryl Lee Cheryl Lee Cheryl Lee Cheryl Lee
Cheryl Lee Sparkling - 15 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
Cheryl Lee
I'm taking just a moment to catch up.
Since I last wrote here, I have been kicked out of my house. moved with all my 4 roommates out of a huge 2 story victorian and into a small 3bedroom apartment.
My motorcycle was stolen...
I finished a semester of University. One left to go!!
i had three strange dreams.
#1- I am driving. the car in from of me has a wreck where it ran over a man walking across the street. I get out, want to help but the man is already dead. there is blood everywhere and his girlfriend is laying atop him crying and screaming. there is so much blood. so much screaming. END
#2 - a small black boy jumps in the back of a pickup AND into a sharp object. there is a hole in the top of his head. his parents are trying to look at him but i block them and tell them no because it would be too startling but I said that I would take care of it. He is still alive even though there is a hole in the top of his head out of which came a spinal bone somehow... Oh and he's been completely decapitated. I scream 911. ambulance arrives and by the time we get into the ambulance the boy has somehow become my ex boyfriend, Sam. we are riding in the ambulance. everytime we turn a corner, I am trying to hold his head on his neck so that it doesn't go rolling about the ambulance.
when arrive at the hospital there is no nurse in the emergency room. finally a blonde snobby woman walks out and tells us that we have to wait. I scream "His head. Is off. his shoulders!" She obviously doesn't care. I tell Sam I'm going to find something to help and leave. The hospital for some reason has a hotel attached. And all of my dirty laundry and some of my shoes are in this hotel room. I change clothes.. but then I can't find a matching pair of shoes. there is one strange shoe. the design pattern looks like a grape juice box. a knock comes at the door, and a woman tells me she left a shoe here. I give her the juicebox shoe.
I go back to the waiting room and Sam is still waiting! but now there are about 30 more people waiting there too! all ingured. the blond nurse is now talking to another nurse and not helping anybody. I start having a breakdown and leave. and go back to my hotel room/hospital room. when I arrive there is a package waiting for me. I open it and inside i see a dead flat face. I start crying, thinking that Sam has already died and they are sending me pictures. but then I notice that it isn't a picture. Its a small baby fetus in a box! and there are tubes coming out with squeeze pumps at the end. if you pump one, it gives the fetus a heartbeat. squeeze another and it breathes. There was a letter and apparently I had had an abortion and this was my unborn child. I leave the room to go check on Sam. on the way I run into my step father and he tells me that they aren't going to help Sam because he isn't even supposed to be here. if he was here that means he ran away from the army and so they won't help him. END
#3 - There is a whale that lives in the earth. I have to wake it up. I go to the foot of a hill and start singing what seems to be the song of a humpback whale. the hill becomes a large mushroom as it emerges and then it is a whale coming out of the earth and flying into space. before it leaves I have to send a message with it. I run down the hill and into the University Center. Sometimes I slow down and I'm trying to run but my feet aren't touching the ground. I have to stop. calm down. breathe. On the way through the UC, Jaebom Park (wtf?) stops me and asks where I'm going so fast. I apologize and keep running. on the other side of the UC, I have to put the batteries into the message transmitter. except the batteries are really sailor hats and they have to be strung on in some special way. a man in a long dark coat is supervising me and when I get it fixed he points the message transmitter at the moon. He points out to me that if we put it on the moon, other people can see the message. and I look up and my cursive handwriting is scrolling across the moon. he says that it would freak people out so lets just send it into the blackness of space. END.

Finals are over. but I'm taking one intersession class over the next 4 weeks. Japanese Zombies. some of the material is almost pornographic.. I'll try to make is quick work.
I leave tomorrow for vacation. Snowboarding in Colorado!! WOOT!!!
Cheryl Lee Sparkling - 15 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
Cheryl Lee

Cheryl Lee Sparkling - 15 years, 5 months, 15 days ago
Cheryl Lee
fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Myspace Quizzes For Fun

Cheryl Lee Sparkling - 15 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
Cheryl Lee

Maybe I wasn't as strong as my friend. Maybe I don't have the energy. Or maybe if I continued to hold on, it would have been selfishness on my part. Its wearing away my body and mind to think so much. My thoughts of you haunt me. My memories, especially the memories of your criticism. It pushes me past sanity. I can't sleep. I've been sick for two weeks. and I still can't eat, drink, and rest. I have to push myself to be the type of girl that you said I should be. those demands had nothing to do with furthering my education or volunteering my time and energy to people who need me. I cry now as I know I let down my family and true friends and all because you asked me to change.
Guess who still hasn't gone to the doctor for eating disorders... Guess who didn't have the strength to help her mother when she was needed. Guess who called one of her friends for the tenth time this month to cancel plans, simply because she didn't have the will to have fun...
I'm so tired of this... I'm just too tired all the time.
Cheryl Lee Sparkling - 15 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
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What?! You're teacher now? What are you teaching?
You go to korea to make peace? You mean kill kim jong ill? :p
Play With Me You have been given Play With Me.
Crafted by Tess Hamilton-Miller
Vinz "homeless bighead" Bold - 14 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
hello cheryl! it has been so long not talking to you!
how are you? ;)
 For a sweetheart .•♥°  You have been given For a sweetheart .•♥° .
Crafted by Pearl
bacon "Nana" Lonely - 14 years, 8 months, 9 days ago

Made It Special For You :)) You have been given Made It Special For You :)).
Crafted by Denise Rose
Manowarrior - 14 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
What? Why you go to korea? You want to make war? :p
Dressed Up For You You have been given Dressed Up For You.
Crafted by unknown
Vinz "homeless bighead" Bold - 14 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
Anabelly Sanchez
LOL Man, not one of my best moments in life. haha
DAMN, You Are Adorableツ You have been given DAMN, You Are Adorableツ.
Crafted by Crazy
Anabelly Sanchez "Sp0rked" Frisky - 14 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
my new boss will report duty on Jun 1, so let's see :P
too bad that i am always lazy :'(
a loving hug for you You have been given a loving hug for you.
Crafted by Jen
bacon "Nana" Lonely - 14 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
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Cheryl's shop
Random Shop of Hotness

Cute, sexy, random everything!

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