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Unknown's tales
~ if you should die in an utterly foreign place, all by yourself, what would your remains say about you? idk why but this is something i think about a lot. what would a coroner gather about my lifestyle based purely on my body and its marks and scars? for instance i have at least 5 blisters on my feet. four from running sneakers that are a half size too small and one from my favorite stillettos rubbing against my achilles tendon.

- some people buy dogs b/c they want to look tough or strong or masculine... or because they want to throw a frisbee around or similar physical activities. well these aren't the primary reasons people buy pets but they definitely determine the type of dog you buy. it dawned on me i don't care to do any of these things. i just want my pets to be really cute and let me hold them when i want to. so theres a reason both my cat and dog answer to 'baby.' and i guess thats the same reason i'm not crazy about guys calling me baby lol.

- i am 100% jazzed for the new indiana jones movie... i. can't. wait.
Unknown Annoyed - 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
well... i've lost the lead villain of my pets. eldor has been bought so now i am without a darth vader. my whole cast is incomplete now!!! please if you come across anyone on human pets that strikes you as... darth vader-y let me know.
Unknown Annoyed - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
i've decided it would be fun to rename all my pets to their proper star wars names lol. i plan to rename them every week or so with a different theme... any suggestions?
Unknown Annoyed - 16 years, 12 months ago
i didn't quite understand the whole thumbs thing... i thought that if people "thumbed" the comments on your page that counted as your thumbs... but i think it only counts if they thumb the comments you've actually made. which means you need to write tales (because why would i comment on my own page?) or be in a herd or something. i also deduced that these tales might be similar to a blog type thing...? whatever. this has been a pretty boring tale thusfar, so let me throw in a few random facts...

- due to my fellow workmates, i now know all the words to a rascal flatts album. i never thought i'd see the day when i'd find myself singing along to country music. *shakes head* i'm clearly being brainwashed.

- in some ways, i have the mentality of a teenage girl. i'm constantly thinking about guys and how i might procure a good one for myself.

- i think jemaine from flight of the conchords is the sexiest man on television today.
Unknown Annoyed - 17 years, 1 day ago

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Checking in.
You have been given Dark Side Cake.
Crafted by Crissy Llora
d-_-b "Shadowlands" - 16 years, 5 months, 7 days ago

You have been given Captain's Log:.
Crafted by Crissy Llora
d-_-b "Shadowlands" - 16 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
It's his stupid "Priceline" commercials that I hate. Ever since then, his ratings have gone down with me. I prefer his earlier status, as Capt. James T. Kirk, of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Did I tell you my father was on the real Enterprise (CVN-65), in the 80's? It's an aircraft carrier... much like the one on TV. LOL!
You have been given USS Enterprise in Orbit.
Crafted by David Gross
d-_-b "Shadowlands" - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
Oh, and for your renaming of the pets... you could do the whole Brady Bunch theme. And with the two extras, there's room for, "Cousin Oliver", "Alice", "Sam the Butcher", and "Tiger" the dog.
d-_-b "Shadowlands" - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
I'm not a huge fan of the "Shat", but Missy is. She even has a cardboard cutout of him standing in the living room, and a strange Ken and Barbie set, with him and Nimoy, standing in a faux spaceship background. I am however, a fan of Noel... still waiting for season 4.
You have been given A Chip.
Crafted by Unknown
d-_-b "Shadowlands" - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
Hmm, I wasn't expecting to see you for a while longer.
You have been given A can of inner calm.
Crafted by JessMess
d-_-b "Shadowlands" - 16 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
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