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Sandri | - Free online hangout and friends
Rich McGlocklin
Rich McGlocklin owns this human at 115763 points.


Sandri , 43/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:24 PM
Join date:16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
Location: Murfreesboro United States

"Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Hereโ€™s my heart, take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts abo"
About me:
It just isn't normal to go through this many changes! Who am I today? I'm just a girl in need of a Savior... trying to find that balance of appreciating GRACE without it being a free ticket to lose my mind! I'm rapidly approaching graduation and contending w thoughts of me being a "grown up" and entering the "real world". boo! Poo on grown-up-hood! I'm 12 on a good day :) At least these things about me remain the same...
Random is as random does... I'm sporadic, contrary, impetuous, ambivalent, and unpredictable.
I collect obsessions: Charlie the Unicorn has the best friends ever! Serenity/Firefly marathons are fun times! Xena Warrior Princess was a long phase, love the Nightmare Before Christmas for its art! into CORALINE for the story & animation... ok, so i just like media (posters, stickers, comics, movies, etc)
I usually overshare, need to grasp the concept of "privacy"
Jesus loves me and I feel closer or farther from him depending on the day, but feelings lie
Pleased w my ADHD meds, though it isn't quite magic, i'm strong in academics-- but the only Black girl who is the butt of many blond jokes :-(
I think classes are optional and psych majors just aren't normal!
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Jennifer Tulett
Jennifer Tulett
183788 pts

603 pts

50 pts
Sandri's tales
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Who would have thunk it?? So many amazingly sweet changes in my life... it's almost as if I woke up w an entire family of people who LOVE me and are committed to see me grow! But it's so much more than just love, it's quite purposeful and wise... not the kind of love where you do some jacked up things but you meant well. It's the kind of love that is patient & prayerful (ugh. i ramble so well!)

There are so many people reaching out to me I have to actually schedule in all of the dinner invitations and times of just hanging out. I'm so... loved! The grace on my life is ridiculous, but I like it! hahaha. Besides, I know it isn't all about me anyway. One day I'll "pay it forward" (did that come out as cheesy as i think it did?).

I don't have a right to complain about my parentage or my beginnings, but I do have the first hand experience to declare that my God redeems and restores! I am a sister & daughter to many, surrounded by wise counsel, covered in prayer! love it!

Well, guess I better get back to the research. This whole academic things is rather time consuming! I'd rather be re-reading Harry Potter 6 :)
Sandri "Sandri" Calm - 15 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
So, I went to ATL to present some undergraduate research and attend a graduate school fair... it went a little poopy :( I didn't place for the presentation contest, and the graduate school fair pretty much reminded me that I don't know what I want to do. And i think the whole trip reminded me that I barely know who I am. Outside of student, where's my identity?
Sandri "Sandri" Calm - 15 years, 8 months, 2 days ago
I need a pet :( the pets who've been around awhile don't want to defect and seem comfy with their owners, and the new pets are... dead. so i keep buying pets and selling them back... sort of like going fishing and throwing the little ones back. waahhh!! no pets for me. oh well, i will just buy pretty things for random pets and spread the love all over HP :)
Sandri "Sandri" Calm - 16 years, 2 days ago
"Razors pain you, Rivers are damp
Acid stains you, Drugs cause cramps
Guns aren't lawful, Nooses give
Gas smells awful, Ya might as well live."

Sandri "Sandri" Calm - 16 years, 9 days ago
Call me Pinocchio!

I'm really just a puppet. I don't think I was so much intricately handcrafted in some old guy's shop as much as I'm just some cosmic mistake or maybe God just pooped out a brown girl :-) But I'm pinocchio and Sarah Christine is my faithful Jiminy Cricket who tries her best to keep out of trouble... well, irreversible trouble :-) I'm on a quest to be a real grown-up!! Oh boy do I want to be real grown up one day!!! Until then I'm this puppet, about age 12 on a good day. I'm waiting on the blue fairy to make me a real grown up, but i have to prove myself brave, truthful, and unselfish first. Damn! lol.
Sandri Sandri
Sandri "Sandri" Calm - 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
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Rich McGlocklin
where you been how you been doing
Rich McGlocklin - 14 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
666's AyAtOlLaH oF rOcK n RoLlA
Happy Halloween
A scary movie You have been given A scary movie.
Crafted by Smiley
666's AyAtOlLaH oF rOcK n RoLlA - 15 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
Jennifer Tulett
Hey you!
Jennifer Tulett "J.T." Lonely - 15 years, 6 months, 18 days ago
666's AyAtOlLaH oF rOcK n RoLlA
Hope you are doing well hun
happy helping of Meatwad You have been given happy helping of Meatwad.
Crafted by Sandri
666's AyAtOlLaH oF rOcK n RoLlA - 15 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Scott Sparks

Cuddle Time You have been given Cuddle Time.
Crafted by Sandri
Scott Sparks "sexy back" Leaving HP soon! - 15 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
666's AyAtOlLaH oF rOcK n RoLlA
Hope that your doing well and that your weekend will treat you fabulous
owner / pet play time You have been given owner / pet play time.
Crafted by Allan
666's AyAtOlLaH oF rOcK n RoLlA - 15 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
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Sandri's shop
Sweet Randomness!

spoil your pets, spoil your owner, spoil yourself :-)

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Careful what u wish... ~Coraline
1 use

200 pts
Careful what u wish... ~Coraline
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"these hands play me"
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"these hands play me&quot
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Circus trip with Coraline
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Circus trip with Coraline
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An Alternate Universe (Coraline)
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An Alternate Universe (Coraline)
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A Fantastical Coraline Adventure
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200 pts
A Fantastical Coraline Adventure
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An Alethiometer to seek Truth
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200 pts
An Alethiometer to seek Truth
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I'll be your spider monkey
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200 pts
I'll be your spider monkey
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Protection by ATHF
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150 pts
Protection by ATHF
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happy helping of Meatwad
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150 pts
happy helping of Meatwad
Bought by 22 people
My Milkshake
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150 pts
My Milkshake
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Some Monkey Lovin'
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Some Monkey Lovin'
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Cuddle Time
1 use

200 pts
Cuddle Time
Bought by 37 people
you're the sweetest owner
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110 pts
you're the sweetest owner
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Xena: Warrior Princess
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Xena: Warrior Princess
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Pure Devotion
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200 pts
Pure Devotion
Bought by 12 people
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