New Tale.
All around the birdie looked
And all around he searched
And when he finished with his day
He found a slimy worm.
Life. It's a strange and funny predicament, which no one truly has much control over. One day you don't exist and the next your eating birthday cake at a table being video taped by your mother and the next your too oldd to remember where the time went and then you are gone.
Oh, the cycle of life, a very strange predicament indeed. All the things that encompass one life span can either be a task of a fruitless mentality of can be quite expansive. Is it luck or favor that bring us into our situations. I always used to wonder. That is before I died now I know. Now I know that before I really knew nothing at all.
Enter L.A.L
Day 1
Clock stikes 3
"Heaven if I know where his spirit has landed Muriel," Martin screamed as he hastingly flung celestial maps into the air.
"I never did understand how souls get relocated and why some simply do not make it past the first day of judgment," Muriel casually said. "Quite frankly Martin I could care less if we found Damien. I mean he's such a stick in the mud... I mean why can't we just finish with out him."
Martin stopped. As he lookeed up Muriel flinched, not apparently of course, but she certainly flinched in her mind for although Damien was know where to be found she certainly did not want to make Martin upset more than he was. After all where would she be without him. "Muriel... that is almost blasphemous, and after all Damien has done for you.
"What has he done? What has he done except get me locked up in solitary. When he's the one who stole the majestrates notes in the first place." Muriel rolled her bright green eyes and stared at Martin with a glint of deviance in her eyes.
"Might I remind you Muriel that had he not stolen those papers in the first place we would surely have been stuck within the time fracture forever." Martin thought how ungrateful everyone seemed to be in the afterlife or more the life after life or L.A.L as he liked to refer to it as. And he thought how especially bitchy Muriel was acting today. What he didn't think waas something that assuredly he hid from himself. That he Martin would not have had anything to do with her had she not have come up with a way to possibly erase the memories.
"OH MARTIN don't look at me like that." Muriel got up from the place she was sitting and shortly after adjusting her very slinky dress, or lack there of she moved closer to Martin almost to the point where Martin started to feel "uncomfortable" with the situation. Muriel always did this in life she would string him along and then drop him the very next second when she got what she wanted. It was only by coincidence that he had found her in L.A.L. and at this point he knew that coincidences always happen for a reason.
Unknown "Ennui Mignon" Wild
- 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago