I just recently get engaged! Saturday, my now fiance, Steve, took me to Chicago for a relaxing and interesting night on the town. While in Grant park, he dropped to one knee and popped the question. Of course, I said yes, but in more words that are so insanely crazy it's not even funny. I mean, who calls their now fiance a retard after being proposed to?? Really....lol....all in all, a fantastically whimsical weekend.
Unknown "beautiful bride" Sleepy
- 16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
To be honest, I never was sure....of the Focus that I bought last January. I mean, I love the style and the handling is good. I know the ins and outs of the damn thing, but I swear to anything holy in this crumbling world....I NEVER knew that it was the BIGGEST car magnet ever! I suppose I should explain--- I was involved in a minor accident last night in my town. An ignorant fool in a Dodge Ram 4X4 (which is HUGE compared to my car) turned into my lane and sideswiped me! Holy Hell! This is the SECOND sideswiping to my poor baby since the beginning of the year. The first one was in January and was not my fault. It was repaired at no cost to me (thankfully.) This one is also not my fault....considering he slammed into me....AND....he attempted to flee the scene! How insane!? I followed him while my boyfriend called 911. Ugh...I just can't believe it. To make matters worse, we were headed to Rockford....to test drive a VW, but I hastily cancelled that appointment. I was in no condition to drive a new car that wasn't even mine. I am seeing a trend in all of this: No more focus. I really wanted the '08, but not anymore. It is evil....it is a magnet, a bug zapper, made to attract dumb drivers. I mean, when i am noticing that every accident that I have been a part of (mminus the minivan) has damaged a focus.... One at school in '05 (friend's focus, not mine), another in Rockford (totalled out my car), the one at the start of this year, and the latest accident (last night)....I know that I need to rid myself of the make and model for good. Well, I should probably call my insurance...again...ugh.
Unknown "beautiful bride" Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Holy Hell...I know, it's almost an oxymoron. Anyway, its snowing...again...damn white stuff. I normally love this fluffy goodness, but no more. I can't stand to see it falling from the sky anymore. It's a nusance...a hazard...and a mess. And all the dumb people can't drive in it at all. DRIVE! Lord, I know it's nasty out there, but driving 25mph in a 65pmh is NOT safe! Ugh. And come on people, plow the roads. Man, how can people drive if the roads are non-existent?
Unknown "beautiful bride" Sleepy
- 17 years, 27 days ago
What a confusing/exciting/ tragic couple of days in No.ILL.... NIU has had a tragic episode of a guman walking into a lecture hall and killing poor innocent students. He, of course, ends it all by killikng himself. I have friends that attend NIU and I am still worried for their safety...when they are finally walk the campus once again. Even though I am not religious, I am praying for the victims and their families as well as for my friends and the faculty of NIU. I don't know any of the deceased, but I want to grieve for them and their surviving relatives. I want to go there and stand with the students and cry with them...and console them in any way possible....because these students are there to learn, not to die. I was once a student and I can only imagine how terrifying it is to fear for your life when attending classes. I do not feel sorry for the man who decided to drive from U of I and take out his aggression, etc on a bunch of freshmen in a lecture hall. He had no right to take the lives of so many innocent kids....and it really angers/frustrates me. The only good news that I have received lately is that my brother and his wife welcomed Tallulha Eleanor into the world this morning. She is their 4th girl and I cannot wait to meet her! I suppose that it may be true: Lives are taken all the time...and new life is born...it is a beautifully sad irony....I want to cry for the dead and for the living.
Unknown "beautiful bride" Sleepy
- 17 years, 1 month, 8 days ago
All is right with the world...for today at least. I am able to keep the rental car until at tomorrow (thank God). I don't think I can handle walking in this weather! Brrr...short-haired beast I am...lol Anyway, I also found out that my Focus is gonna' be fixed by tomorrow evening. I miss that damn car, problems and all, because the Kia blows goats! And the Nationwide adjuster is awesome because he is sending RRF a check for the additional damages that were found when it was taken apart. I can go and spend a little dough now...I deserve it. All of this was taken care of before 8:15AM this morning....and my pet, Mazda, was worried. Pfft...girls can do anything!
Unknown "beautiful bride" Sleepy
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago