February 18th 2007: I have discovered an important discovery. If I have a breakfast consisting of a McDonald's Double Bacon and Egg McMuffin, a cup of herbal tea, half a tub of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Brownie Ice-Cream, and a glass of wine, I will begin to hallucinate exactly twelve hours later. Hallucinations may include: 1) Me as an Indiana-Jones style adventurer in desperate search of a knitted bobble-hat 2) A very intimidating squirrel 3) A terrifying lack of biscuits 4) Twelve menacing crows dressed as gangsters, singing all the songs from "Les Misrables" while dancing on a rainbow.
So, it was an interesting night. A very disjointed night, true, but lots of fun nevertheless, and bizarrely uplifting. I reccomend that you try it. I wouldn't exceed the breakfast-dosage, though - there's a fine line between hallucination and certifiable insanity, and the brain is a delicate thing. I should know - I have a whole shelf full of 'em in jars.
Unknown "life partner"
- 17 years, 20 days ago