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"Wild Child"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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"Teeny Tiny Tiger"
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"Fuzzy Cubby"
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"3 gorgeous"
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"T.I. double g-er"
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"Kitty Katty"
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"Blonde Bomb"
150 pts

"Sleeping Beauty"
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"She Has 'im"
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Unknown's tales
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I have been walking for want seemed forever, under the hot midday sun. Its been an hour just to get the the top of the hike, and we are lugging our gear. Only the gear we need, a pack and a board.

We hear the train on the tracks up ahead, but we are still to far to see them, all we see are trees and bushes. And then we pass under the tracks and the desert beach provides its beauty to our eyes. Empty and barren. Truly, unexpected.

The sky was clear the water was blue and...well...cold. And the waves were great. Not big but not too small and really, really fun. But, where was everybody?? Sure it seems like this spot would be uncrowded, considering the hike. But, that is rarely the case. Usually if there are waves, there are twenty or thirty people at every peak; what do you expect from one of the best surf spots in North America.

This day, for some reason, my brother and I made head 7 and 8 in the water at the main peak. We were scoring waves for an hour straight, and the other people out there where ripping it, which really gave me a few new ideas about how to improve my surfing. My brother can take any wave and do anything he wants with it. He would catch a wave from the point to the shore and then catch three or four more insiders while paddling back to the point.

We had an amazing day, finished the afternoon with some traditional Carl's Jr. And if you know where we were. SAVE IT!!
Unknown "Wild Child" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 day ago
Recently I had what can only be described as an incredible winter day. Heading up to the local Los Angeles Mountains, does not provide much for scenery or fast steeps, but the day was beautiful. I went up with a friend who is trying to learn how to ride the snow. She hadn't skated or surfed before either, tough for her. But, we got there and it was snowing on the mountain. Not the kind where its blizzard like, you can't see anywhere and its cold as hell. Rather it was gently snowing all day. My friend did an excellent job of trying to figure out the board, even though she did end up hurting her shoulder. I had fun doing a few small jumps, soaring and sliding mainly. Landed a few tricks I was proud of, but again I really like going down steep fast hills so my level of available fun was limited. What made the day was the weather. Nothing at all like Los Angeles has been, which is hot and dry, even the last two winters. The mountain was snowing wet and cold, not miserable, but for people who don't get to see snow as often as they would like, its was simple beautiful. The snow was surprisingly good in most places, even though the sun beat ice patches where all over. So, for the most place it was a good day.

Since then I have been lethargic. My home has been empty for the last few days, which in turn has made it easy to go no where. The surf was up and then back down, I did go out. I should of, no reason not to, just didn't. Instead, I have been making hats, well...beanies...winter caps. I have made 6 hats in the last 10 days and am nearing completion of the 7th today. I am starting to make some good ones now and figuring out what patterns works and what the result of certain patterns will be. So, hopefully, I get some cool hats for this and the next few seasons, since I always seem to lose hats. I need a handle so when people find my sweet homemade hats , my name gets out there. I think I will use my old artist handle B00.
This should be my last hat in a while, so my next plan/project is the attempt to backward engineer "The Legend Of Zelda" using openGL and C programming. This should help me not only add a line to my resume, but also get a better understanding of openGL and the graphics systems of PC's, which I truly would like to learn. Anyways, I know another boring tale. At least it wasn't a second rant. Ha, ha.
Unknown "Wild Child" Adventurous - 17 years, 7 days ago
So, unfortunately this week didn't send me on any adventures. At least not physical ones; I went on quite an interesting mental adventure. Now I am not a druggy, this is not LSD or shrooms I am describing, but a semi-drunken boring of my own soul. I was out late with a few friends and acquaintances. We hit up a couple of local bars, I was a DD, and taking good care of everyone, not drinking, until we got back to my good friends house. There I was able to take it bit more part in playing and talking. The bars really are not my thing anyways.

Finally, my friend, nearly a family member at this point she has been going out with my cousin for so long decides she is mad at me, her friend is too. My cuz's friend is angry because I went out with a girl who tried to hooked up with my cousin while she was with him. I am single mind you, and he didn't mess up. My friend had told me not to hook up with this girl because she tired to get with my cousin. My cousin is awesome and these were all the details I had.

Needless to say I discovered this night that the girl I had been seeing had sent my cousin naked picture texts and other things of the like. Details I did not have while I was seeing this girl. Nor did I know she was cheating on her finance before they called off the wedding while I was with her. All info I was given after we had broken up, but according to the two people who where mad at me it made me dirty.

The second girl was also mad at me because, on a previous far drunker night I had hooked up with her. And I messed up and confided in a friend at work, we all work together by the way, who well was not the best person I could have told. He has not really said much to anyone about it. But, she could tell me knew and was mad at me for telling him. Funny thing is she was acting very cold toward me at work a few days after we kissed. So, eventually I was venting about trying to figure her out with my friend after work and that is why I told him.

So, needless to say, I now feel like a worthless POS. that doesn't deserve anyone because I don't treat them right. Is it really impossible to be able to enjoy others company without attachment or guilty. Its not that that is all I want out of life, its not like I don't think of the future. But, I have known relatively early in my relationships if I would be able to spend my future with someone, not that I always let that stop me from enjoying and letting that person enjoy me. There is only a few times in life where I never got the chance to see if that future existed or not. But that is the closest to a sweetheart that got anyway I have ever had.

Darn it the hell, I just wish I knew what the hell I wanted so I no longer have to worry about hurt others or myself. Life sucks, I am an ass hole, despite how much I have done and tried to be genuine and honest to others and myself, how kind I have been. Really, I had been too much the nice guy that turns out the friend, that now that I finally figured out how to get what I want, even if its just carefree passion for a short time. Instead of lonely I feel like a jackass, when I wasn't a jackass I was lonely.

I just need to figure out what makes me happy, stick to that and the rest, love, the future what others think can all just leave me alone.
Unknown "Wild Child" Adventurous - 17 years, 18 days ago
From the top of the world looked over a sea of white. Darting through the trees and racing downward, riding the clouds left by the heavens. Simply unbelievable, euphoric. Rolling over untouched dunes of winter's magic, I must have touched heaven. Even when soaring through the endless blue sky in the warm sun, below was a soft cradle pillows making everything seems easy. Until the night came, and the world turned from white the black. Fun turned from soaring to pounding. And the way home turns from easing your weary body to a blur under a few street lamps. Funny things happen at night, they are unpredictable. Your car can suddenly disappear, found later in the day. And feisty drunks can turn into the best people and the world can suddenly seem a million times smaller. But, then you wake and head back up the mountain, and once again marvel at the uncanny expansive beauty and realize there is a giant world out there for you the explore.
Unknown "Wild Child" Adventurous - 17 years, 24 days ago
So, lately things seem to be turning for the better. I am getting some good job offers and waiting to hear back from some very serious companies about so very serious dough. So, hopefully I get to quit my night job shortly and play the 9-5 game for the next..blah..years of my life. This will allow me to visit some long time missed friends, considering our schedules will no longer be completely out of wack. So, I honestly can't wait to get life really moving, start paying mortgages instead of rent. Buy a new car rather then used ones. And being able to not worry about how much I spend most of the time. Geese, I hate money. Brings all the evil to the world, yet we all need a ton of it, it seems, just to be happy. What a tangled web we weave.
Unknown "Wild Child" Adventurous - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
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*hug* how are you?
You have been offered a human sacrifice.
Unknown "Closet Nerd" Feisty - 17 years, 15 days ago
wow that was a long story. I promise to keep you and take very good care of you. Nice to meet you by the way im Amy.
You have been given pet with quality.
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Unknown Ecstatic - 17 years, 17 days ago
nope, i don't mind at all. ^_^
You have been given 1000 Licky Licks...
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Unknown "Closet Nerd" Feisty - 17 years, 17 days ago
Hello, You were given to do you feel about that?
You have been given water.
Unknown Ecstatic - 17 years, 23 days ago

You have been given Kicking your butt.....
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Unknown "Sweet♄John" Serene - 17 years, 23 days ago

You have been given Puurrrrfect Intentions.
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Unknown "Symphony" Sleepy - 17 years, 24 days ago
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