( Part 4)
Havoc: ( Sighs loudly as she finishes her slice of pie. resting the small silver fork back down on the alabaster plate, the woman muses with her hair impatiently. With an echo of hallow foot steps her companion returns, but with another in his stead. The two men come back to the couch and chair set, the raven haired man taking a seat in the chair. The looming fiery haired dark skinned man casual sits down beside the woman , his white labcoat pulling back a bit as he sits down. At the presences of the newcomer the woman goes still and doll like, her blue eyes goign icy grey.)
Lucy: ( taking up his coffee) well you came at a good time
Igen: I managed to slip out while Eva ran out to grab some 'treats'
Lucy: * smirks* now how did you manage to do that?
Igen:...... ( pulls out his hand from his pocket to reveal a bandaged and bloody stub) *
licks his lips*
Lucy: * sighs* she needs to start charming those shackles...
Igen: DONT give her any ideas... she crazy enough as it is..
Lucy: heh.. so it seems..
Igen: ( casts a sideways glance at the woman a smile slipping across his lips) Well, what
brought to our most humble abode? Did some one take your kitty? * snickers a bit*
Havoc: ( looks up from her coffee coolly at the man) no
Lucy: She came of her own free will Ion.
Igen: (the smile spreads into a wide grin) did she now?
Havoc: I came simply for some coffee and a story.
Igen: ( leans over the girl a bit looking into her eyes as if to intimidate her) and what story
could possible entice you to slip down here?
Lucy: ( speaking over him) My Fall...
Igen: ( does a double take and looks back at his boss) ... Seriously?
Lucy: (nods) and were at the best part now.
Igen: Which part? Slipping into eden or the bit where you found out you had kids?
Lucy: Both actually...
Igen: oo goodie goodie.. i wanna add commentary too!
Havoc: Did you fall with him? ( still speaking coldly)
Lucy: ( snickering) heheh no no he was a good boy then
Igen: hey, i went to your damn town meeting. Abdel mad a good point at the time about
challenging G--
Lucy: ( coughs)
Igen: * lowers his voice) sorry .. 'The Man'. I was still working under Michael at that point.
Havoc: Is that were you got your flamingness from?
Igen: Well .. (give the girl a weird look) yeah... I did surpass him and take over the angelic guard . ANd I did get his flaming sword....
Lucy:.. fucking evil sword
Igen: im sorry.. it is awesome
Lucy: no it's not...
Igen: it is.. it's all woosh and..
Lucy: ( glaring ) it's not.....
Havoc: so... ( wathcign the raven haired man glare down the red head) , Igen help lead an
assault against you eh?
Lucy: yeah... they were funny
Igen: yeah.. we weren't smart at the time.. what can i say..
Havoc: You threw mountains?
Havoc: Still that dosent excuse you from any thing..
Lucy: So .. after we fell.. There was a bit of emo.
Igen: yeah i heard about that...
Lucy: and then we picked up our big boy pants and got off the burning lava and got to
work. All of the Fallen angels decided to get together and Build this great demonic palace out of the riches and oars of the earth. so everyone came together and summoned the bob the builder in them and Pandemonium was created. Once that was built all the fallen ones assembled to vote on what we should do next...
Havoc: How very democratic of you....
Lucy: Thank you, well some said to go up and smash heaven again with all fo the fire and brime stone we had. THat woudl have been fun but..
Igen: we saw it coming.. we had water and more mountains to throw on em..
Lucy: another said The Man may not be so pissed at us since we got out fine.. and that may things would cool off a bit.. and then we could strike at him latter when it hurts.
Igen and The Man was still pissed as hell. He had balls of fury waiting for em'
Lucy: and last we agreed on goign to this new place.. Earth to corrupt The Mans new Toy.. Human.. it seemed like fun...
Igen:... He really didn't see that coming.. though he claims he did
Lucy: So... Being the one with balls I took the initiative and decide to go see what this new 'toy' was. So.. I left Hell and ventured through the different spheres..
Igen: hey you left out Sin...* coughs)
Lucy: ( whines a bit) but do i really have to go over them? I mean... I don't even remember creating them!
Igen: yes.. you need to take responsibility for all your actions.. even those you don't know about .
Havoc: ( blinks in utter disbelieve at the statement* and this is coming from you?
Igen: hummmm? ( looking at the girl as if hes completly lost)
Lucy: *Sighs* so when I go to the Gates of hell there is a naga woman with some yappy pups around her, and a dark shadow. After trying to force my way out .. apparently um.. well eh..
Igen: fine ill say it... he has kids
Havoc: really now?
Igen: 2.. Sin a daughter that popped from his head and Death which then well.. hehe
Havoc: Wow.. way to go Zeus...
HavoC: so.. what happened then?
Lucy: I don;t know if I wana tell you anymore.
Havoc: awa come one please....
Lucy:... fine. So after i met.. Ssin and Death. Then there was a bit of flying and frolicking... chross through chaos.. slip thorugh eden as a cherub and.. ( loud whistle goes off)
Havoc: what now?
Lucy: Hot coco
Igen: ooo spanish?
Lucy: ill get it
( end part 4)
Unknown "neko" Gloomy
- 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago