chris cornell is a true rock god but his new album is SHIT!!! and what's this about him collabo-ing with timbaland!? bad ex-soundgarden frontman, BAD!!!
Unknown "AhFei'sPlaythg" Sleepy
- 16 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
just got back from coaching a kids' camp for chua chu kang secondary. exhausted beyond belief. have to share this anyway. there was this sulky ass girl in my class, god i've never seen anyone so dour in my life. this girl did not want to be there. after two days of her anti-social behavior, culminating in her giving me the ol' two-eyed staredown, i said, "michelle, if you really don't want to participate, please fall out, it's ok i'll give you permission". i was cheesed off. but all she did was whinge on sarcastically while giving me the stink-eye. so i said to myself fuck it, and just tended to the other students playing the game. ten minutes later, michelle comes up to me with--ohmygod is that a repentant look on her face? and this is what she says: "coach kenny, i'm sorry about just now, it's just that i've been taking menstruation pills for the past two days and--" i stopped her right there, gave her a hug. never had i been so thankful for PMS in my life. "it's okayyy, i understand completely!", i told her, "i've been in your shoes before, don't worry--" "HUH COACH YOU ALSO TAKE BEFORE AH?!" O__o
Unknown "AhFei'sPlaythg" Sleepy
- 16 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
i got some THROBBING MIGRAINE going on right now...it's PAIN IN TECHNO, repeat after me, PAIN-PAIN-PAIN-PAIN-PAIN, and so on, ad infinitum...ever wake up from a nap and the pain from migraine is still in your brain as though it'll never wane? that's what i've got right now. ouch.
Unknown "AhFei'sPlaythg" Sleepy
- 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
i have a pain in my foot. my heel, to be exact. according to wikipedia, who is all-wise and never-wrong, my ailment is called plantar fasciitis, an overuse injury and inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament-y thing in my foot. this is very bad, not only because it means i'm going to have to stop running for awhile, but also because i now have an EXCUSE to stop running for awhile. in lazyman's terms, 'awhile' translates to 'a few kilos', across the time-weight continuum. i guess there's always swimming, but i hate getting into a speedo. one of the reasons i'm running in the first place is so i can get into a speedo, goddamn it--even the word 'speedo' irks me. sigh.
Unknown "AhFei'sPlaythg" Sleepy
- 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
my friend, who is a rather peculiar chap indeed, finally proposed to his girlfriend after like a year and a half of waffling. 'how'd you do it?', i queried, eager to hear a tall tale of equal parts romance and folly. he did not disappoint. 'you want the censored or uncensored version?', he teased, to which i, expecting a juicy exposee, demanded that he tell me everything. as i should have known, there was nothing much to censor in his story apart from the fact that the happy couple were both in a hot tub when my comrade popped that ages old question. the way he did it was this: he put the wedding ring in a glass of pepsi (he favorite drink, apparently) and simply asked her to spend forever with him when she finished said refreshment. "very cute, right?", he beamed. WTF! HELL NO! for starters, what if she'd choked on the damn ring, diamonds and all! it'd be funeral bells a-ringin' or at least ambulance sirens a-blaring instead, i can tell you that! (TOUCH WOOD!) and secondly, and much more importantly, PEPSI?! favorite drink or not, pepsi fuckin cola has got to be THE most unromantic carbonated beverage on the market today. imagine the story she'd be telling the grandkids decades from now, "oi young'uns, lookee here'd dis ring...first time i laid me eyes on t'was at the bottom of a glass a cola, all wet and sticky..." eeeeyer. ah well, anyway, CONGRATULATIONS JUSTIN & STEF!!!
Unknown "AhFei'sPlaythg" Sleepy
- 16 years, 9 months ago